Define Roles, Permissions, and Groups

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Bot Builder allows you to add, edit, and deactivate users so that they can create, edit, and test bots and skills in the Bot Builder, as well as leverage the Agent Chat Console and chat with Luma. An Administrator can manage and add Luma-specific roles to users. Access to execute skills that are defined by a user's role. Each role has specific permissions to use the Bot Builder.

Luma supports four out-of-the-box roles: Admin, Developer, Support Agent, and End User. The following table provides an overview of the various roles available in Luma, and their respective Permissions as part of User Management.

Roles and Permissions Matrix

Roles/FunctionalityDescriptionSkill ExecutionAgent Chat Console

Skill Builder

Skills & Attributes

Bot TestingBuild and PublishBot Troubleshooting (Coming Soon)Bot ConfigurationIntegrationsUser/Group Management

An Anonymous user can execute skills without their chat channel account being linked to their Luma Virtual Agent account. A Anonymous user can only access skills in the Anonymous Group.

Users cannot be associated with this Role.


End users are restricted from accessing the Bot Builder interface. By default, the End-user role is assigned to all users whose role is not defined during user synchronization or creation. 

Support Agent

Support agents can log in to Bot Builder to update their profile and access the Agent Chat Console. 


Developers can create and edit skills and the features related to including attributes. A developer can also access Bot configuration which includes small talk, system skills, and channel configuration.

AdministratorAn administrator can access all functions in the Tenant. A tenant can have multiple users with the Administrator role.(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)


Superadmin is an additional user type that is not available from within Bot Builder. The Superadmin controls managing tenants within a Luma Virtual Agent environment. The Superadmin is created by Serviceaide support at the time of purchase. For more information on Superadmin see Tenant Provisioning.

Group and User Permissions

Permission implies the ability to provide or restrict access to certain skills. This can be done using groups or users. A Group consists of a set of users who can access skills associated with that group. Luma provides the below out-of-the-box groups:

  1. Public
  2. Anonymous
  3. Default Administrators
  4. Default End Users
  5. Default Developers
  6. Default Support Agents
  7. Default Support Team

Apart from this, you have the flexibility of creating Custom groups and assigning users to them. Note that, a user can be a part of multiple groups irrespective of their role. A skill can be accessed by different groups provided the skill is assigned to those groups.

Default Administrators Group 

Following are the characteristics of the Default Administrators group:

  • By default, all users with Administrator role are part of this group.
  • The group is used to manage Skill Permissions. The Administrator group users can access all the bots of the tenant and can execute all the skills in the bot.
  • You cannot add skills or users to the Administrator group; however, you can assign the Administrator role to the other users as part of User Management. For more information, see Manage Users and Manage Groups.

Public Group

Following are the characteristics of the Public group:

  • By default, all the Registered users in your tenant are part of this group. 
  • The users' list associated with the group cannot be modified – i.e. you cannot add or remove the users from the group. All the users are automatically added and removed from the group when a new user is created or removed from Luma.
  • The group is used to manage Skill Permissions. If a skill should be executed by all users in the tenant, add the Public group to the skill permissions.

Anonymous Group

Following are the characteristics of the Anonymous group:

  • The group is used to manage Skill permissions and is assigned access to the skills that should be available for Anonymous or Guest users. Administrators can add or remove the skills from this group. 
  • Users cannot be manually associated with this group. All non-registered users are mapped to the default user 'anonymous' until they are registered and get mapped to the actual user profile.

Default Support Agents Group

Following are the characteristics of the Default Support agents group:

  • By default, all Support Agents in your tenant are part of this group.
  • It is used to manage Skill permissions and is assigned access to the skills that should be available to Support agents in your tenant. Administrators can add or remove the skills from this group. 
  • Users are automatically added and removed from the group when the user Role is changed.

Default End Users

Following are the characteristics of the Default End-User group:

  • All the users with End-User Role in your tenant are part of this group.
  • You cannot manually associate users in the group. Users are automatically added and removed from the group when the user Role is changed.
  • It is used to manage permissions to the skills that should be available to the End-users in your tenant. Administrators can add or remove the skills from the group.

Default Developers

Following are the characteristics of the Default Developers group:

  • All users whose roles are set to Developer are part of this group. By default, all the Skill Developers are part of this group.
  • You cannot manually add users to the Default Developer group. Users are automatically added and removed from the group when the Default Developer Role is assigned to the user.
  • You can add or remove skills permissions to the Group. If you need the skill to be available to Developers in your tenant, add the Default Developer group to the skill permissions.

Default Support Team

Following are the characteristics of the Default Support Team:

  • Default Support Team is the Out-of-the-box Support group.
  • All Support Agents, Administrators, and Developers in your Tenant are automatically added to the group. You can manually add or remove users from the group and add them to the other Custom Support groups already available in Luma. 
  • Only the users who are part of either the 'Default Support Team' group or another custom support group can access the Agent Chat Console.
  • In case the Support Agents are added to Luma VA through Bulk upload and are associated with a Custom Support Group in Luma VA, the Agent is not added to the Default Support Team group.

Individual User Skill Permission

An administrator can grant access to skills to individual users so that specific users can access the skill. When a skill should only be accessed by a limited number of users, an administrator can directly add the users to the skill instead of creating a group and adding the skill and users to the group.

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