Follow these steps:
- Navigate to MANAGE, ADMINISTRATION, Tools, and click MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Navigation Menu.
The Navigation Menu page lists out all the navigation items available in the application. As an administrator, you can select any navigation item and set permissions for it. - Select the navigation item that you want to restrict.
The details of that item are displayed at the bottom of the page. - Click the Permissions tab to display the list of users, groups, or roles that can access the selected navigation item.
- To modify the permissions for the selected navigation item, click Manage Permissions.
The Manage Permissions page displays the list of all users, groups, and roles in your slice. - To enable a group or user to view the navigation item, move that user or group to the Current Permissions pane. To disable a group or user from accessing the navigation item, move that user or group out of the Current Permissions pane.
- Click Save Permissions.
The updates to permissions are saved. If you have made any other changes to the navigation item details, click Apply Changes before exiting the workspace.
Scenario 1: Remove access to the Knowledge Management workspace for all users.
- Navigate to MANAGE, ADMINISTRATION, Tools, and click MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Navigation Menu.
- Filter the list by UX Platform and select the WORKSPACES, Knowledge Management row.
- Under the Permissions tab, click Manage Permissions and remove all the users or groups from the Current Permissions pane. DO NOT remove the Administration group.
First, enable the Self-Service users to access the REPORTS menu. Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to MANAGE, ADMINISTRATION, Tools, and click MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Navigation Menu.
- Filter the list by UX Platform and select the REPORTS, Standard Reports row.
- On the Permissions tab, click Manage Permissions and add the Self-Service group to the Current Permissions pane. This will allow self-service users to access the REPORTS link on their interface.
Next, enable the Self-Service users to access a specific standard report. Consider that you want your Self-Service users to access the Average Response Time Trend for Self-Service Users report. Proceed as follows:
- Navigate to MANAGE, ADMINISTRATION, Tools, and click MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Report Configuration.
- Select the report from the list.
- On the Permissions tab, click Manage Permissions and add the Self-Service group to the Current Permissions pane.