You can view all the schedules from MANAGE, ADMINISTRATION, Tools, MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Scheduled Tasks. A list of all the schedules appears on the left column. You can sort this list based on Schedule Name(A-Z), Last Modified Date, and Created Date. You can also search a particular schedule from the list that is based on schedule name and description. You can modify an existing schedule, create a new schedule or view a log for a schedule from the Logs tab. You can change the status of a schedule by making it Active or Inactive.
Follow these steps:
Navigate to MANAGE, ADMINISTRATION, Tools, MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Scheduled Tasks and click Schedule New Ticket Creation Task.
Select the Schedule Tab.
Specify the Schedule Name, Owner Name, and Description.
Specify the Action To Execute.
Search and select a Service Catalog item to create tickets for the schedule. Task Templates are not available for creating tickets for schedules. Only Service Request, Incident, Problem, or Change Ticket service catalog configurations are available in the drop-down.
Specify the Execution Schedule.
Specify the Time Zone, for the schedule to execute.
Specify the Start Date, for the schedule to start.
Specify the Execute at Time, for the schedule to execute on the selected start date.
- Specify the Repeat schedule to specify the recurrence pattern for the schedule. You can select from the following options:
Don't Repeat
Select the Do Not Execute on Selected Holiday Calendar option, to specify the holiday group to be excluded to create tickets from the schedule.
- Click Save.
The Logs tab displays details about an active Schedule. For example, information about schedule ID, schedule name, case number, executed on, trace log and information about whether the schedule was successfully executed. The Trace Log column gives Additional Information about why the schedule is in the specified status. This helps in investigation and resolution if a schedule fails. You can search for a particular log for a schedule by using the search bar.