- Navigate to Manage> Administration> Tools, and click Holidays.
- Create Holiday Group: Click New Holiday Group. Specify the Holiday Group Name and the Description.
- Click Save to create a Holiday Group. You can now add holiday's to this Holiday Group.
Add Holidays: Click a calendar date to create a holiday. For example, 25 December 2015, specify a name for the holiday (Christmas Day). Select the Repeat Every Year check-box for holidays that are observed on fixed days of each calendar year. For example, Christmas is a fixed holiday and Labour Day is a variable holiday.
Edit a Holiday Group
You can edit a holiday group to add new holiday or remove/modify existing holidays. Navigate to Manage, Administration, Manage> Administration> Tools, and click Holidays. Select a holiday group from the list of the holiday groups to view the following details:
- Last Modified Date, Time, and User
- Created Date, Time, and User
- Holiday Group Name and Description
- Holiday List: Displays a list of all the holidays that are defined for the current year.
- Holiday Repeat Year List: Displays all the holidays which are marked as repeat holiday, irrespective of the year in which they were defined.
Description of the Legends
The legend color indicates the types of holiday.
Holiday - Specifies the holidays that are created for that particular year.
Holiday - Repeats Every Year - Specifies the holidays that are marked as repeat holidays, which means that these holidays fall on the same calendar date every year.
Past Repeated Holiday- Indicates that these holidays are marked as repeat holidays in the past years. If you want to add this holiday to the current year, select the date and click Create.
Note: The holiday Description for a Past Repeated Holiday can be edited.