A Data Extract is a file that contains the customer's service desk related data for on-premise reporting. This article lists a number of tables containing the list of entities. You can use these details to create new reports using your reporting tool.
Name | Description | System Data Type | Extract Data Type |
item_id | Identifier of the ticket-specific details from APP_ITEM | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
case_id | Case ID | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
ticket_id | An ID identifying a ticket | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
ticket_status | Status of the ticket (New/Queued/Closed) | NVARCHAR(50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_reason_code | Reason code for any action that is taken on the ticket which resulted in the state change. | NVARCHAR(50) | Memo (-) |
modifieddatetext | Last Modified Ticket Date in formatted value (DD/MM/YYYY) | - - | Date/Time (8) |
createddatetext | Ticket Created Date | - - | Date/Time (8) |
modified_date | Last Modified Ticket Date | INT | Long Integer (4) |
ticket_priority | Ticket Priority | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_description | Ticket Description | NVARCHAR (256) | Memo (-) |
created_by_group_name | Group ID of the creator group of the ticket | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
createdbyname | First name of the ticket creator | --- | Text |
createdbyname | Last name of the ticket creator | --- | Text |
createdbyname | Name of the ticket creator | --- | Memo (-) |
assigned_to_group_name | Name of group to whom ticket is assigned. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
assignedtoindividual | First name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. | NVARCHAR | Text |
assignedtoindividual | Last name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. | ||
assignedtoindividual | Name of individual to whom ticket is assigned. | - - | Memo (-) |
modified_by_group_name | Last ticket modified group name. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
modifiedbyname | First name of the person who modified the ticket. | NVARCHAR | |
modifiedbyname | Last name of the person who modified the ticket. | NVARCHAR | |
modifiedbyname | Last ticket modified. | - - | Memo (-) |
person1_e_mail | Requester's email. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
requester | First name of the ticket requester. | NVARCHAR | |
requester | Last name of the ticket requester. | NVARCHAR | |
requester | Requester's name. | BIGINT | Memo (-) |
person1_job_title | Requester's job title. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
person1_phone1 | Requester's phone number. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_org_name | Requester's organization name. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_hierarchical_path | Requester's organization hierarchical path | NVARCHAR (4000) | Memo (-) |
person2_e_mail | Email id of the ticket requested for. | NVARCHAR | Text |
requester2 | First name of the ticket requested for. | NVARCHAR | Text |
requester2 | Last name of the ticket requested for. | NVARCHAR | Text |
requester2 | Name of the requested for. | NVARCHAR | Text |
person2_job_title | Job title of the ticket requested for. | NVARCHAR | Text |
person2_phone1 | Phone number of the ticket requested for. | NVARCHAR | Text |
person2_org_name | Requested for organization name. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person2_hierarchical_path | Requested for organization hierarchical path. | NVARCHAR (4000) | Memo (-) |
ccti_id | ccti_id identifies the categorization of the ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
ccti_class | CCTI Class | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ccti_category | CCTI Category | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ccti_type | The CCTI item type. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ccti_item | CCTI item | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_alt_phone | Phone no of the contact who is the requester of the ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_alt_email | Email of the contact who is the requester of the ticket. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
ticket_solution_id | Identifier of the solution that is used to resolve this ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
person2_alt_phone | Phone number of the requester for whom to contact for who is having the Issue/Requested on behalf of the contact for this ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person2_alt_email | Email address of the requester for whom to contact for who is having the Issue/Requested on behalf of the contact for this ticket. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
resolution | Ticket resolution. | NVARCHAR (4000) | Memo (-) |
cause | Ticket cause. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
severity | Severity specifies the ticket severity. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_phase | The current lifecycle phase/stage of the service desk ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_source | Ticket source. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_impact | Ticket impact. | NVARCHAR (50) | Text (255) |
ticket_urgency | Ticket urgency. | NVARCHAR (50) | Text (255) |
archived_data | An indicator flag used to identify whether this is a historical record that is ready to be archived. | INTEGER |
Name | Description | System Data Type | Extract Data Type |
item_id | Identifier of the ticket-specific details from APP_ITEM | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
case_id | Case ID | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
ticket_id | An ID identifying a ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
ticket_status | Status of the ticket (New/Queued/Closed). | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_reason_code | Reason code for any action that is taken on the ticket which resulted in the state change. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
modifiedatetext | Last modified ticket date in formatted value (DD/MM/YYYY). | - - | Date/Time (8) |
createddatetext | Ticket created date. | - - | Date/Time (8) |
modified_date | Last modified ticket date. | INT | Long Integer (4) |
created_date | Date in milliseconds when the ticket is created. | INT | Long Integer (4) |
ticket_priority | Ticket priority. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_description | Ticket description. | NVARCHAR (256) | Memo (-) |
created_by_group_name | Group ID of the creator group of the ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
created_by_name createdbyname | First name of the ticket creator. | NVARCHARcreated | |
_by_last_name createdbyname | Last name of the ticket creator. | NVARCHAR | |
createdbyname | Name of the ticket creator. | - - | Memo (-) |
assigned_to_group_name | Name of the group to whom ticket is assigned. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
assigned_to_name assignedtoindividual | Name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. | NVARCHARassigned_to_last_name | |
assignedtoindividual | Last name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. | NVARCHAR | |
assignedtoindividual | Name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. | - - | Memo (-) |
modified_by_group_name | Last ticket modified group name. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
modified_by_name modifiedbyname | Last ticket modified. | - - | Memo (-) |
modified_by_last_name modifiedbyname | Last name of the individual who modified the ticket. | NVARCHAR | |
modifiedbyname | Last Ticket Modified. | - - | Memo (-) |
person1_e_mail | Requester's email. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
person1_first_name requester | First name of the requester. | NVARCHAR | |
person1_last_name requester | Last name of the requester. | NVARCHAR | |
requester | Requester's name. | BIGINT | Memo (-) |
person1_job_title | Requester's job title. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
person1_phone1 | Requester's phone number. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_org_name | Requester's organization name. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_hierarchical_path | Requester's organization hierarchical path. | NVARCHAR (4000) | Memo (-) |
person2person2_e_mail | Requested for email id. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
person2_first_name requester2 | First name of the requested for. | NVARCHARperson2 | |
_last_name requester2 | Last name of the requested for. | NVARCHAR | |
requester2 | Name of the requested for. | BIGINT | Memo (-) |
person2_job_title | Requested for job title. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
person2_phone1 | Requested for phone number. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person2_org_name | Requested for organization name. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person2_hierarchical_path | Requested for organization's hierarchical path. | NVARCHAR (4000) | Memo (-) |
ccti_id | The categorization for the configuration item. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
ccti_class | CCTI class | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ccti_category | CCTI category | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ccti_type | The CCTI item type. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ccti_item | CCTI item | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_alt_phone | Phone no of the contact who is the requester of the ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_alt_email | Email of the contact who is the requester of the ticket. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
ticket_solution_id | Identifier of the solution that is used to resolve this ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
person2_alt_phone | Phone number of the requester for whom to contact for who is having the Issue/Requested on behalf of the contact for this ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person2_alt_email | Email address of the requester for whom to contact for who is having the Issue/Requested on behalf of the contact for this ticket. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
resolution | Ticket resolution. | NVARCHAR (4000) | Memo (-) |
cause | Ticket cause. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
severity | Severity specifies the severity of the ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
description_long | Long description of the problem faced. | NVARCHAR (4000) | Memo (-) |
created_by_contact_id | The contact person who created this problem ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
assigned_to_contact_id | Identify the individual/contact to which the ticket is assigned. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
modified_by_contact_id | modified_by_contact_id identifies the contact who modified the ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
person1_contact_id | Identification for the contact who is the requester of the ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
person2_contact_id | Identification for the contact who is the requester of the ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
ci_name | Name of the configuration item. | NVARCHAR | |
affected_service | Affected service. | BIGINT | Memo (-) |
ticket_phase | The current lifecycle phase/stage of the service desk ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_source | Ticket source. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_impact | Ticket impact. | NVARCHAR (50) | Text (255) |
ticket_urgency | Ticket urgency. | NVARCHAR (50) | Text (255) |
archived_data | An indicator flag used to identify whether this is a historical record that is ready to be archived. | INT |
Name | Description | System Data Type | Extract Data Type |
item_id | Identifier of the ticket-specific details from APP_ITEM | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
case_id | Case ID | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
ticket_id | An ID identifying a ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
ticket_status | Status of the ticket (New/Queued/Closed). | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_reason_code | Reason code for any action that is taken on the ticket which resulted in the state change. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
modifieddatetext | Last modified ticket date in formatted value (DD/MM/YYYY). | - - | Date/Time (8) |
createddatetext | Ticket created date. | - - | Date/Time (8) |
modified_date | Last modified ticket date. | INT | Long Integer (4) |
created_date | Date in milliseconds when the ticket is created. | INT | Long Integer (4) |
ticket_priority | Ticket priority. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_description | Ticket description. | NVARCHAR (256) | Memo (-) |
created_by_group_name | Group ID of the creator group of the ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
created_by_name createdbyname | Name of the ticket creator. | - - | Memo (-) |
created_by_last_name createdbyname | Last name of the ticket creator. | NVARCHAR | |
createdbyname | Name of the ticket creator. | - - | Memo (-) |
assigned_to group_name | Name of the group to whom ticket is assigned. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
assigned_to_name assignedtoindividual | Name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. | NVARCHARassigned | |
_to_last_name assignedtoindividual | Last name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. | NVARCHAR | |
assignedtoindividual | Name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. | - - | Memo (-) |
modified_by_group_name | Last ticket modified group name. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
modified_by_name modifiedbyname | Last ticket modified. | - - | Memo (-) |
modified_by_last_name modifiedbyname | Last name of the individual who modified the ticket. | NVARCHAR | |
modifiedbyname | Last ticket modified. | - - | Memo (-) |
person1_e_mail | Requester's email. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
person1_first_name requester | First name of the requester. | NVARCHAR | |
person1_last_name requester | Last name of the requester. | NVARCHAR | |
requester | Requester's name. | BIGINT | Memo (-) |
person1_job_title | Requester's job title. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
person1_phone1 | Requester's phone number. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_org_name | Requester's organization name. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_hierarchical_path | Requester's organization hierarchical path. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person2_e_mail | Requested for email id. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
person2_first_name | First name of the requested for. | NVARCHAR | |
person2_last_name | Last name of the requested for. | NVARCHAR | |
requester2 | Requested for name. | BIGINT | Memo (-) |
person2_job_title | Requested for job title. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
person2_phone1 | Requested for phone number. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person2_org_name | Requested for the organization name. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person2_hierarchical_path | Requested for the organization hierarchical path. | NVARCHAR (4000) | Memo (-) |
ccti_id | The categorization for the configuration item. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
ccti_class | CCTI class | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ccti_category | CCTI category. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ccti_type | The CCTI item type. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ccti_item | CCTI item. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_alt_phone | Phone no of the contact who is the requester of the ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
person1_alt_email | Email of the contact who is the requester of the ticket. | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
ticket_solution_id | Identifier of the solution used to resolve the ticket. | BIGINT | |
person2_alt_phone | Alternate phone number of the requested for. | NVARCHAR | |
person2_alt_email | Alternate email id of the requested for. | NVARCHAR | |
description_long | Long description of the issue faced. | NVARCHAR (4000) | Memo (-) |
task_name | Task name | NVARCHAR (126) | Memo (-) |
task_type | The task type. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
actual_start_date | The actual start date when the task would be started. | INT | Long Integer (4) |
actual_end_date | The actual end date when the task would be completed. | INT | Long Integer (4) |
parent_description | Parent ticket description. | NVARCHAR (256) | Memo (-) |
parent_item_id | Parent ticket ID. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
parent_ticket_type | Parent ticket type. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
created_by_contact_id | The contact person who created this request ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
assigned_to_contact_id | Identify the individual/contact to which the ticket is assigned. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
modified_by_contact_id | The contact who modified the ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
person1_contact_id | Identification for the contact who is the requester of the ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
person2_contact_id | Identification for the contact who is the requester of the ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
affected_service | Affected service. | BIGINT | Memo (-) |
ticket_phase | The current lifecycle phase/stage of the service desk ticket. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_source | Ticket source. | NVARCHAR (50) | Memo (-) |
ticket_impact | Ticket impact. | NVARCHAR (50) | Text (255) |
ticket_urgency | Ticket urgency. | NVARCHAR (50) | Text (255) |
planned_start_date | The planned start date to complete this Task. | INT | Long Integer (4) |
planned_end_date | The planned end date to complete this Task. | INT | Long Integer (4) |
planned_duration | The planned duration to complete this Task. | INT | Long Integer (4) |
planned_start_datetext | The planned start date to complete this Task in formatted text (DD/MM/YYYY). | - - | Date/Time (8) |
planned_end_datetext | The planned end date to complete this Task in formatted text (DD/MM/YYYY). | - - | Date/Time (8) |
actual_duration | The actual duration to complete the work to be done to implement the Task. | INT | Long Integer (4) |
actual_start_datetext | The actual start date when the Task would be started in formatted text (DD/MM/YYYY). | - - | Date/Time (8) |
actual_end_datetext | The actual end date when the Task would be completed in formatted text (DD/MM/YYYY). | - - | Date/Time (8) |
archived_data | An indicator flag used to identify whether this is a historical record that is ready to be archived. | INT |
Entity: DTX_Ticket_CI_Relationship
TICKET_CI_RELATIONSHIP refers to the Ticket to the CI relationship in your instance. The following details about the Ticket CI relationship are available in the extract.
Name | Description | System Data Type | Extract Data Type |
ci_id | The associated configuration item to the ticket. | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
item_id | Item ID | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
archived_data | An indicator flag used to identify whether this is a historical record that is ready to be archived. | INT |
Entity: DTX_Ticket_Ticket_Relationship
TICKET_TICKET_RELATIONSHIP refers to the Ticket to the Ticket relationship in your instance. The following information about Ticket to ticket relationship is available in the extract.
Name | Description | System Data Type | Extract Data Type |
parent_item_id | Parent ticket ID | BIGINT | Long integer (4) |
item_id | Item ID | BIGINT | Long Integer (4) |
archived_data | An indicator flag used to identify whether this is a historical record that is ready to be archived. | INT |