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 A Data Extract is a file that contains the customer's service desk related data for on-premise reporting. This article lists a number of tables containing the list of entities. You can use these details to create new reports using your reporting tool.


NameDescriptionSystem Data TypeExtract Data Type
item_idIdentifier of the ticket-specific details from APP_ITEMBIGINTLong Integer (4)
case_idCase IDBIGINTLong Integer (4)

An ID identifying a ticket

BIGINTLong Integer (4)
ticket_status Status of the ticket (New/Queued/Closed) NVARCHAR(50)Memo (-)
ticket_reason_code Reason code for any action that is taken on the ticket which resulted in the state change. NVARCHAR(50)Memo (-)
modifieddatetext Last Modified Ticket Date in formatted value (DD/MM/YYYY) - -Date/Time (8)
createddatetextTicket Created Date - -Date/Time (8) 
modified_date Last Modified Ticket Date INTLong Integer (4)
ticket_priority Ticket Priority NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ticket_description Ticket Description NVARCHAR (256)Memo (-) 
created_by_group_name Group ID of the creator group of the ticket NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
createdbyname  First name of the ticket creator ---Text
createdbyname  Last name of the ticket creator ---Text
createdbyname Name of the ticket creator ---Memo (-)
assigned_to_group_name Name of group to whom ticket is assigned. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
assignedtoindividual First name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. NVARCHARText
assignedtoindividual Last name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. 

assignedtoindividualName of individual to whom ticket is assigned. - -Memo (-) 
modified_by_group_name Last ticket modified group name. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
modifiedbynameFirst name of the person who modified the ticket. NVARCHAR
modifiedbynameLast name of the person who modified the ticket.  NVARCHAR
modifiedbyname Last ticket modified. - -Memo (-) 
person1_e_mail Requester's email. NVARCHAR (126) Memo (-)
requesterFirst name of the ticket requester.  NVARCHAR
requester Last name of the ticket requester. NVARCHAR
requesterRequester's name. BIGINTMemo (-) 
 person1_job_titleRequester's job title. NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
 person1_phone1Requester's phone number.NVARCHAR (50) Memo (-)
 person1_org_name Requester's organization name. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
 person1_hierarchical_pathRequester's organization hierarchical path NVARCHAR (4000)Memo (-)
 person2_e_mailEmail id of the ticket requested for. NVARCHARText
 requester2First name of the ticket requested for. NVARCHARText
 requester2Last name of the ticket requested for.   NVARCHARText
 requester2Name of the requested for.  NVARCHARText
 person2_job_titleJob title of the ticket requested for.  NVARCHARText
 person2_phone1Phone number of the ticket requested for.   NVARCHARText
 person2_org_nameRequested for organization name. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
 person2_hierarchical_pathRequested for organization hierarchical path. NVARCHAR (4000)Memo (-) 
ccti_id ccti_id identifies the categorization of the ticket. BIGINTLong Integer (4)
ccti_class CCTI Class NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-)
ccti_category CCTI Category NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-)
ccti_type The CCTI item type. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ccti_item CCTI item NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
 person1_alt_phonePhone no of the contact who is the requester of the ticket. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
 person1_alt_emailEmail of the contact who is the requester of the ticket. NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
 ticket_solution_idIdentifier of the solution that is used to resolve this ticket. BIGINTLong Integer (4)
 person2_alt_phonePhone number of the requester for whom to contact for who is having the Issue/Requested on behalf of the contact for this ticket. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
 person2_alt_emailEmail address of the requester for whom to contact for who is having the Issue/Requested on behalf of the contact for this ticket. NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
 resolutionTicket resolution. NVARCHAR (4000)Memo (-) 
cause Ticket cause. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
severity Severity specifies the ticket severity. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ticket_phase The current lifecycle phase/stage of the service desk ticket. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ticket_source Ticket source. NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ticket_impact Ticket impact.NVARCHAR (50) Text (255)
ticket_urgency Ticket urgency.NVARCHAR (50) Text (255)
archived_data  An indicator flag used to identify whether this is a historical record that is ready to be archived. INTEGER


NameDescriptionSystem Data TypeExtract Data Type
item_idIdentifier of the ticket-specific details from APP_ITEMBIGINTLong Integer (4)
case_idCase IDBIGINTLong Integer (4)
ticket_idAn ID identifying a ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4)
ticket_status Status of the ticket (New/Queued/Closed).NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ticket_reason_codeReason code for any action that is taken on the ticket which resulted in the state change.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
modifiedatetext Last modified ticket date in formatted value (DD/MM/YYYY). - -Date/Time (8) 
createddatetextTicket created date. - -Date/Time (8) 
modified_date Last modified ticket date.INTLong Integer (4) 
created_date Date in milliseconds when the ticket is created.INTLong Integer (4)
ticket_priority Ticket priority.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ticket_description Ticket description.NVARCHAR (256)Memo (-) 
created_by_group_name Group ID of the creator group of the ticket.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
created_by_name createdbynameFirst name of the ticket creator.NVARCHARcreated
_by_last_name createdbyname Last name of the ticket  creator. NVARCHAR 
createdbyname Name of the ticket creator. - -Memo (-) 
assigned_to_group_name Name of the group to whom ticket is assigned.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
assigned_to_name assignedtoindividualName of the individual to whom ticket is assigned.NVARCHARassigned_to_last_name 
assignedtoindividual Last name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned.NVARCHAR
assignedtoindividual Name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. - -Memo (-)
modified_by_group_nameLast ticket modified group name.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
modified_by_name modifiedbyname Last ticket modified.-  -Memo (-)
modified_by_last_name modifiedbynameLast name of the individual who modified the ticket. NVARCHAR
modifiedbyname Last Ticket Modified. - -Memo (-)
person1_e_mail Requester's email.NVARCHAR (126) Memo (-) 
person1_first_name requesterFirst name of the requester. NVARCHAR
person1_last_name requesterLast name of the requester.NVARCHAR
requester Requester's name.BIGINT Memo (-)
person1_job_title Requester's job title.NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
person1_phone1 Requester's phone number.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
person1_org_name Requester's organization name.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
person1_hierarchical_path Requester's organization hierarchical path.NVARCHAR (4000)Memo (-)
 person2person2_e_mailRequested for email id.NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
person2_first_name requesterFirst name of the requested for.NVARCHARperson2
_last_name requesterLast name of the requested for.NVARCHAR
requester2 Name of the requested for.BIGINTMemo (-) 
person2_job_title Requested for job title.NVARCHAR (126) Memo (-) 
person2_phone1 Requested for phone number.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-)
person2_org_name Requested for organization name.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
person2_hierarchical_path Requested for organization's hierarchical path.NVARCHAR (4000)Memo (-)
ccti_id The categorization for the configuration item.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
ccti_class CCTI classNVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ccti_category CCTI categoryNVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ccti_type The CCTI item type.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ccti_item CCTI itemNVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
person1_alt_phone Phone no of the contact who is the requester of the ticket.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
person1_alt_email Email of the contact who is the requester of the ticket.NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
ticket_solution_id Identifier of the solution that is used to resolve this ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
person2_alt_phone Phone number of the requester for whom to contact for who is having the Issue/Requested on behalf of the contact for this ticket.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 

Email address of the requester for whom to contact for who is having the Issue/Requested on behalf of the contact for this ticket.

NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
resolution Ticket resolution.NVARCHAR (4000)Memo (-) 
cause Ticket cause.NVARCHAR (50) Memo (-) 
severitySeverity specifies the severity of the ticket.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
description_long Long description of the problem faced.NVARCHAR (4000)Memo (-) 
created_by_contact_id The contact person who created this problem ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4)
assigned_to_contact_id Identify the individual/contact to which the ticket is assigned.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
modified_by_contact_id modified_by_contact_id identifies the contact who modified the ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
person1_contact_idIdentification for the contact who is the requester of the ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
person2_contact_id Identification for the contact who is the requester of the ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
ci_name  Name of the configuration item.NVARCHAR
affected_serviceAffected service.BIGINTMemo (-) 
ticket_phase The current lifecycle phase/stage of the service desk ticket.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ticket_source Ticket source.NVARCHAR (50) Memo (-) 
ticket_impact Ticket impact.NVARCHAR (50)Text (255) 
ticket_urgency Ticket urgency.NVARCHAR (50) Text (255) 
archived_data An indicator flag used to identify whether this is a historical record that is ready to be archived. INT


NameDescriptionSystem Data TypeExtract Data Type
item_idIdentifier of the ticket-specific details from APP_ITEMBIGINTLong Integer (4)
case_idCase IDBIGINTLong Integer (4)
ticket_idAn ID identifying a ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4)
ticket_statusStatus of the ticket (New/Queued/Closed).NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ticket_reason_code Reason code for any action that is taken on the ticket which resulted in the state change.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
modifieddatetext Last modified ticket date in formatted value (DD/MM/YYYY). - - Date/Time (8)
createddatetextTicket created date. - - Date/Time (8)
modified_date Last modified ticket date.INT Long Integer (4) 
created_date Date in milliseconds when the ticket is created.INTLong Integer (4) 
ticket_priority Ticket priority.NVARCHAR (50) Memo (-) 
ticket_description Ticket description.NVARCHAR (256)  Memo (-)
created_by_group_name Group ID of the creator group of the ticket.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
created_by_name createdbynameName of the ticket creator. - - Memo (-)
created_by_last_name createdbyname Last name of the ticket creator. NVARCHAR
createdbyname Name of the ticket creator.- -Memo (-) 
assigned_to group_name Name of the group to whom ticket is assigned.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
assigned_to_name assignedtoindividual Name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. NVARCHARassigned
_to_last_name assignedtoindividual  Last name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. NVARCHAR 
assignedtoindividual Name of the individual to whom ticket is assigned. - - Memo (-)
modified_by_group_name Last ticket modified group name. NVARCHAR (50) Memo (-)
modified_by_name modifiedbyname Last ticket modified.

 - -

 Memo (-)
modified_by_last_name modifiedbyname  Last name of the individual who modified the ticket. NVARCHAR 
modifiedbyname Last ticket modified. - - Memo (-)
person1_e_mail Requester's email.NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
person1_first_name requester  First name of the requester. NVARCHAR 
person1_last_name requester Last name of the requester. NVARCHAR 
requester Requester's name.BIGINTMemo (-) 
person1_job_title Requester's job title.NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-)
person1_phone1 Requester's phone number.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-)
person1_org_name Requester's organization name.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
person1_hierarchical_path Requester's organization hierarchical path.NVARCHAR (50) Memo (-) 
person2_e_mail Requested for email id.NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
person2_first_name First name of the requested for. NVARCHAR 
person2_last_name Last name of the requested for. NVARCHAR 
requester2 Requested for name.BIGINTMemo (-)
person2_job_title Requested for job title.NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
person2_phone1 Requested for phone number.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
person2_org_name Requested for the organization name.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
person2_hierarchical_path Requested for the organization hierarchical path.NVARCHAR (4000)Memo (-) 
ccti_id The categorization for the configuration item.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
ccti_class CCTI classNVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ccti_category CCTI category.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ccti_type The CCTI item type.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ccti_item CCTI item.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
person1_alt_phone Phone no of the contact who is the requester of the ticket.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
person1_alt_email Email of the contact who is the requester of the ticket.NVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
ticket_solution_id Identifier of the solution used to resolve the ticket.BIGINT
person2_alt_phone Alternate phone number of the requested for. NVARCHAR 
 person2_alt_emailAlternate email id of the requested for. NVARCHAR 
description_long Long description of the issue faced.NVARCHAR (4000)Memo (-) 
task_name Task nameNVARCHAR (126)Memo (-) 
task_type The task type.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
actual_start_date The actual start date when the task would be started.INTLong Integer (4) 
actual_end_date The actual end date when the task would be completed.INTLong Integer (4) 
parent_description Parent ticket description.NVARCHAR (256)Memo (-) 
parent_item_id  Parent ticket ID.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
parent_ticket_type  Parent ticket type.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
created_by_contact_id  The contact person who created this request ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
assigned_to_contact_id  Identify the individual/contact to which the ticket is assigned.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
modified_by_contact_id  The contact who modified the ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
person1_contact_id  Identification for the contact who is the requester of the ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
person2_contact_id  Identification for the contact who is the requester of the ticket.BIGINTLong Integer (4) 
 affected_service Affected service.BIGINTMemo (-) 
ticket_phase  The current lifecycle phase/stage of the service desk ticket.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ticket_source  Ticket source.NVARCHAR (50)Memo (-) 
ticket_impact  Ticket impact.NVARCHAR (50) Text (255) 
ticket_urgency  Ticket urgency. NVARCHAR (50)Text (255) 
planned_start_date  The planned start date to complete this Task. INTLong Integer (4) 
planned_end_date  The planned end date to complete this Task. INTLong Integer (4) 
planned_duration  The planned duration to complete this Task. INTLong Integer (4) 
planned_start_datetext  The planned start date to complete this Task in formatted text (DD/MM/YYYY). - - Date/Time (8)
planned_end_datetext  The planned end date to complete this Task in formatted text (DD/MM/YYYY). - - Date/Time (8)
actual_duration  The actual duration to complete the work to be done to implement the Task. INTLong Integer (4) 
actual_start_datetext  The actual start date when the Task would be started in formatted text (DD/MM/YYYY). - - Date/Time (8)
actual_end_datetext  The actual end date when the Task would be completed in formatted text (DD/MM/YYYY). - -Date/Time (8) 
archived_data  An indicator flag used to identify whether this is a historical record that is ready to be archived. INT


Entity: DTX_Ticket_CI_Relationship

TICKET_CI_RELATIONSHIP refers to the Ticket to the CI relationship in your instance. The following details about the Ticket CI relationship are available in the extract.

NameDescriptionSystem Data TypeExtract Data Type

The associated configuration item to the ticket.

BIGINTLong Integer (4)
item_idItem IDBIGINTLong Integer (4)
archived_dataAn indicator flag used to identify whether this is a historical record that is ready to be archived.INT

Entity: DTX_Ticket_Ticket_Relationship

TICKET_TICKET_RELATIONSHIP refers to the Ticket to the Ticket relationship in your instance. The following information about Ticket to ticket relationship is available in the extract.

NameDescriptionSystem Data TypeExtract Data Type
parent_item_idParent ticket IDBIGINTLong integer (4)
item_idItem IDBIGINTLong Integer (4)
archived_dataAn indicator flag used to identify whether this is a historical record that is ready to be archived.INT
