Versions Compared


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In this article, let us discuss the following:


To access other key components of the Bot, use the buttons at the top to navigate to Skills, FAQs, Training and Troubleshooting pages. Bot Configuration is available from the moremenu.


The following is the Bot Dashboard which shows metrics and the various options available on this page.Image Removed

Image Added

Filter Dashboard Metrics


Usage helps you to understand the bot usage, which includes the Total Messages, Executed Skills Conversation Transactions, Automated Workflow Transactions and Agent Transfers metrics. 

This metric displays the number of owned transactions versus the number used There are two types of transactions. Skill transactions fulfillment



Total Messages

The total number of messages between the bot and end users across all channels during the selected period. You can compare the total number of interactions between the bot and your users across different channels over different periods and determine the most popular channel of interaction. This also helps you to analyze how effectively your bots are being leveraged by users for various skills.

Executed Skills

The number of skills that were executed or fulfilled (text response or web services action) during the selected period. This metric helps you to understand how many skills are helpful in resolving the user queries. Testing is not included in this metric. System skills executed will not be counted as part of Skills executed count. Skills executed in Testing Widget are not captured in the dashboard.

Agent Transfers

The number of times users triggered the Transfer to Agent skill during the selected period. Analyzing this metric helps you to understand the skills which need to be built, or modify the existing skills to avoid the agent transfer process.

Transactions Used/Owned

Conversation Transactions

This metric shows the currently used, owned and available conversation transactions. It helps the administrator to ensure compliance with license agreements and purchase more transactions if necessary. Conversation transactions relate to triggering any fulfilment type (text, web service, automation, email) on a custom or ITSM skill. To learn about what are conversation transactions, refer Subscription Information#ConversationTransactionRules.
Automated Workflow TransactionsThis metric shows the currently used, owned and available automated workflow transactions. It helps the administrator to ensure compliance with license agreements and purchase more transactions if necessary. Automation transactions are in addition to skill conversation transactions and are used when an automation workflow is triggered. To learn about what are automated workflow, refer Subscription Information#AutomatedWorkflowTransactionRules.
Agent TransfersThe number of times users triggered the Transfer to Agent skill during the selected period. Analyzing this metric helps you to understand the skills which need to be built, or modify the existing skills to avoid the agent transfer process.

View Bot User Details

Users includes include the New Users, Self-service Users and Analyst users’ metrics. This metrics helps you to understand how effectively the bot is being leveraged by different type of users over a selected period.


View Training Opportunities

Training Opportunities includes include the Unmatched Utterances and Aborted Skills Phrases, Aborted Skills, Average Accuracy of the Bot, Total Phrases Trained and Skills below Required Threshold metrics. Note that clicking the Training metrics navigates you to the Training page, but does not apply the selected filter.



Unmatched UtterancesPhrases

The number percentage of utterances phrases that did not match any skill during the selected period. Analyzing this metrics helps you to determine whether the user entered any phrases other than the ones defined in Luma for a skill, or whether a new skill needs to be built to cater to the users' request. Click the metrics to navigate to the Unmatched UtterancesPhrases tab on the Training page to view the details. 

Aborted Skills

The number percentage of skills that users exited before the skill was were aborted by the users over the total skills executed during the selected period. Analyzing this metrics helps you to determine the skills which need to be built or enhanced in order to avoid the users from exiting the chat conversations. Analyzing the user's interaction also helps you to understand why the users aborted the conversations. Click the metrics to navigate to the Aborted Skills tab on the Training page to view the details. 

Average Accuracy of the BotAverage accuracy of the bot (combined percentage of accuracy of each identified or matched skills over all the phrases sent to the virtual agent). Analyzing this metrics helps you to start focusing on the percentage of effort required to improve the bot accuracy. 
The average bot accuracy for a given period is to be calculated as follows:

Average accuracy = Sum of Accuracy of the skills / number of skills * 100.
Total Phrases TrainedPercentage of training done manually (by Administrator) and automated (from automated training feature). Clicking this tile navigates you to the Suggested Training tab, where you can assign or unassign phrases to a suggested skill, existing skill or a new skill.
Skills below Required ThresholdPercentage of skills that do not meet the configured accuracy.

View Troubleshooting Information

Training Opportunities includes include the Errors and Warnings metrics. Note that clicking the Troubleshooting metrics navigates you to the Troubleshooting page, but does not apply the selected filter. Analyzing this metrics helps you to train your bot in order to effectively interact with the users.


View Most Popular Skills

Most Popular Skills includes include the Custom Self-service Skill, ITSM Self-service Skill and , Custom Analyst Skill and Skills which Contributed to 80% of Highest Bot Transactions metrics. Analyzing this metrics helps you to understand which skills the users are using effectively. The metrics indicates the most popular skills out of the complete list of skills, and the number of times the skills were executed. 



Custom Self-service Skill

The custom skill with permission to self-service users that was executed the most times during the selected period. Click the skill to edit it.

ITSM Self-service Skill

The ITSM skill with permission to Self-service users that was executed the most times during the selected period. Click the skill to edit it.

Custom Analyst Skill

The custom skill with permission to Analyst users that was executed the most times during the selected period. Click the skill to edit it.

Skills Contributed to 80% of Highest Bot Transactions

The skills which contribute to 80% of the total transactions. Click Image Added to download and view the list of skills which contribute to the highest bot transactions.

Perform Bot Actions

On the Bot Dashboard page, you can perform the following actions.
