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This article contains the following topics:


  • You can relate a task flow to only one ticket type.
  • You can configure the task flow using individual task templates and task group templates.
  • The sequence of tasks and task groups in a task flow defines the sequence of creation of the task tickets.
  • The tickets for all tasks in a task group are created together.
  • You can define the workflow action for Action on Success and Action on Failure to apply on the parent ticket. 
  • The Action List lookup displays the workflow actions that are available to the ticket type which the parent ticket is related. For example, if the parent ticket is a service request, the service request-related workflow actions would be available.
  • The workflow action is applied to the parent ticket and is based on the success or failure of the task template. For example, consider a task flow that is applied to a Change ticket for implementing some hardware upgrades. The success of the final task of the task flow moves the parent ticket to the next phase. The failure to complete the task changes the status of the ticket to Hold.
    Note: The administrator defines a workflow action with the reason code as Rejected or Denied. A task flow is considered as successful when all the task tickets have Status = Closed and Reason Code = Completed.


Verify the following prerequisites:


  1. Create Task Flow: Navigate to MANAGE, ADMINISTRATIONTools, MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Task Flows and click Create New.
  2. Fill in the required information and click Apply Changes.
    Note: You can relate a task flow to only one ticket type.
  3. Add Tasks and Task Groups: To add tasks and task groups to the task flow, use the Related Task/Task Group tab. You can select existing task templates and task groups.
    Note: The selected action in the Action on Success and the Action on Failure fields determines the workflow action to apply on the parent ticket.  
  4. Set Permissions: To set the permissions for the task flow, use the Permissions tab.
  5. Click Apply Changes.
