This article deals with the following topics:

To access Knowledge artifacts, the end-users must be registered in Luma Knowledge. Administrators can manage users in your tenant and assign roles as per the activities they can perform in Luma Knowledge. Based on the role assigned, users can create, manage and publish artifacts. 

Following are the User roles available in Luma Knowledge:

View Users List

On the main menu, navigate to the Tenant menu → User Management. Click on the Users tab to view the list of users registered for your tenant.

The User list includes all the users currently available in the system. It includes the following user details:

You can sort the list on all the columns in alphabetical order by clicking the column name in the header.

Search Users

You can search for existing users in the Users list. To search for a user:

  1. Specify the User NameFull Name in the Search text box.

  2. Press the Enter key. Luma Knowledge retrieves all the user records matching the specified details.

  3. To return to the previous list, remove your search criteria and press Enter again.

Create Users

The Administrator / Curator can add new users to Luma Knowledge. To add users, do the following:

  1. On the User tab, click on Add User.

  2. On the Add users page, Specify the Username. This is used for logging into the application.

  3. Select Title from Drop down list which can be configured

  4. Enter the First name (Mandatory), Middle Name, Last Name (Mandatory) of the User.

  5. Specify a valid Email Address of the user for email communications, including password resets. For example,

  6. Select the Language for the user.

  7. Select the Role from the dropdown list.

  8. Click Add user to add the user. Else, click Cancel to discard the process.

  • The user’s language can only be set to the Tenant’s Language. Only tenant language is available for selection in the Language dropdown.

  • User Id is automatically assigned by the system.

  • Status is set to Active automatically.

  • Users can only access the workspaces that are allowed to the assigned role.

Edit Users

The Administrator / Curator can modify the user details and Roles if required.

To edit existing users, follow the below steps:

  1. On the Users list, click the row for the user you want to edit.

  2. The record opens in edit mode. The following user information can be edited.:

    1. Title

    2. First name

    3. Middle Name

    4. Last Name

    5. Email Address

    6. Phone

    7. Language

  3. Make the required changes and click Update User to save the changes. Click Cancel to discard the modified data.

View User Profile

Logged-in users can view their own profile details by clicking the Profile in the left-hand navigation.

The User Profile page will appear with logged-in user’s details.

Click on Change Password to update your Luma Knowledge account password. To update account details, contact Tenant Administrator.