
Mandatory input for each operation

Each Operation returns -

* While creating an entity, values for fields such as Row ID (Unique system generated), Entity ID (System generated )should not be entered as input parameter values.
* While updating an entity, values for fields that already contain a Read only value should not be entered as input parameter values.


Id: 29
Returns configuration item details pertaining to the specified configuration item identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters

configurationItemId - Configuration Item Row Id for which details should be fetchedconfigurationItemIdentifier - Configuration Item Identifier for which details should be fetchedOutputCategory, Class, Item, Type, ci_ccti_id, Owner ID, Owner, Owner's Organization ID, Phone, Description, Function, Identifier, Location, Name, Organization, Site, Status, Status Date, Owner's Organization, Created By, Created On, lvl1_id, lvl2_id, lvl3_id, Modified By, Modified On, Organization ID, Row ID, Attributes with Values < e.g. Environment, IP Address, Make, Manufacturer, New Custom Field, PO Date, Tag#, Warranty Expiry Date>


Id: 30
Returns the list of all the active configuration items matching the specified search criteria.

Input Parameters
searchText - String to match the Status, Class, Category, Type, Item etc.

CI Name, CI Function, CI Identifier, Status, Class, category, Attribute 1, Attribute 2, Attribute 3, Modified Date


Id: 31
Adds Configuration Item (CI) with the provided details.

Input Parameters
configurationItemBean - Configuration Item Bean containing details which must be used to create the CI.
CI ID#, Name, Function, Identifier, Description, Status, Status Date, CCTI ID, Class, Category, Type, Item, Organization ID, Organization ID (Level1 ID), Organization, Site ID (Level2 ID), Site, Location ID (Level3 ID), Location,  Owner ID, Owner, Owner's Organization ID, Owner's Organization, Owner's Phone, Created Date, Created By, Modified Date, Modified By.



Id: 32
Updates details for an existing configuration item along with associated custom attributes values identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
configurationItemBean - Configuration Item Bean containing details which must be used to update the CI.



Id: 162
Returns CMDB records describing the important relationships between CIs for a source CI identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters

configurationItemId - Row ID for Configuration Item.configurationItemIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.OutputRelation Domain, Relation Type, CI Name


Id: 163
Returns a list of all the support requests (tickets) related to the specified Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters

configurationItemId - Row ID for Configuration Item.configurationItemIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.OutputCase#, Ticket Type, Description, Status, Other Information


 Id: 164
Returns a list of all the contact persons associated with the specified Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
configurationItemId - Row ID for Configuration Item.
configurationItemIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.

Relation Type, Contact/ Group Name, Approval Phase


Id: 165
Returns a list of all the associated attachment document(s) pertaining to the specified Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
configurationItemId - Row ID for Configuration Item.
configurationItemIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.

Created Date, Description, Attachment File Name, Attachment Type, Attachment ID, Can be used as Global,  Attachment Name, Created By, rel attach id, 


Id: 171
Returns the service availability and downtime schedule (timeslip) information related to the specified Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
configurationItemId - Row ID for Configuration Item.
configurationItemIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.

Start Date, End Date, Start Time, End Time, Time Zone, Holiday List, Days of the Week, Schedule Type


Id: 172
Returns a list of changes (audit trails) made to the specified Configuration Item  (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
configurationItemId - Row ID for Configuration Item.
configurationItemIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.

Modified Date, Modified  By, Field Name, Last Field Value, Modified Value


Id: 173
Creates important relationships between different configuration items by relating/association an existing Configuration Item (CI) to another Configuration Item (CI) identified either by the Row ID or CI Identifier  (CI ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
CIID - Row ID for Parent Configuration Item
CIIdentifier - Identifier for Parent Configuration Item.
relationDomain - Relationship Domain
relationType - Relationship Type
relatedCIID - Row ID for Configuration Item which must be related
relatedCIIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item which must be related



Id: 174
Unrelates or removes the relationship for a Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier from its parent Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (CI ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
CIID - Row ID for Parent Configuration Item
CIIdentifier - Identifier for Parent Configuration Item.
relationDomain - Relationship Domain
relatedCIID - Row ID for Configuration Item which must be unrelated
relatedCIIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item which must be unrelated



Id: 175
Relates/associates an existing Contact identified by either the Row ID to the specified Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (CI ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
CIID - Row ID for Configuration Item.
CIIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.
relationType - Relationship Type
contactID - Row ID of the contact person which must be related



Id: 176
Unrelates or removes the relationship for a Contact identified by either the Contact ID from its parent Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (CI ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
CIID - Row ID for Configuration Item.
CIIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.
relationType - Relationship Type
contactID - Row ID of the contact person which must be unrelated



Id: 177
Relates/associates an existing Support Group identified by the Group ID to the specified Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (CI ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
CIID - Row ID for Configuration Item.
CIIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.
relationType - Relationship Type
groupID - Row ID of the support group which must be related



Id: 178
Unrelates or removes the relationship with an existing Support Group identified by the Group ID from its parent Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (CI ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
CIID - Row ID for Configuration Item.
CIIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.
relationType - Relationship Type
GroupID - Row ID of the support group which must be un-related



Id: 179
Relates/associates an existing attachment document to the specified Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (CI ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
CIID - Row ID for Configuration Item.
CIIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.
attachmentID - Attachment Id which needs to be related to configuration item.

Attachment File Name  / Attachment ID / Attachment Name / Can be used as Global / Created By / Created Date / Description / Type / rel attach id


Id: 180
Unrelates or removes the relationship for an attachment document from its parent Configuration Item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (CI ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
CIID - Row ID for Configuration Item.
CIIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.
attachmentID - Attachment Id which needs to be unrelated from configuration item.



Id: 181
Adds service availability and downtime schedule (timeslip) information related to the specified Configuration Item (CI) schedule identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).
Note: ts_weekday would be defaulted to 'All Days of the Week' if kept blank in ServiceAvailabilitySchedule bean by this operation.

Input Parameters
timeslipSchedule - Schedule that should be updated with corresponding updates.

Start Date, End Date, Start Time, End Time, Time zone, Holiday list, Days of the week, Schedule type


Id: 182
Updates service availability and downtime schedule (timeslip) information related to the specified Configuration Item (CI) schedule identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
timeslipSchedule - Schedule that should be updated with corresponding updates.



Id: 183
Deletes service availability and downtime schedule (timeslip) information related to the specified Configuration Item (CI) schedule identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
CIID - Row ID for Configuration Item.
CIIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.
scheduleId - Identifier for schedule which should be deleted



Id: 184
Associates the specified custom attributes passed as a comma-separated list with a sepcified configuration item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
configurationItemId - Row ID for Configuration Item.
configurationItemIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.
configurationItemAttributeNames - Comma-separated list of custom attribute names to be related



Id: 185
Deletes/removes a custom attribute associated with a specified configuration item (CI) identified by either the Row ID or CI Identifier (Row ID will take precedence over CI Identifier if both are specified).

Input Parameters
configurationItemId - Row ID for Configuration Item.
configurationItemIdentifier - Identifier for Configuration Item.
configurationItemAttributeName - Name of the custom attribute to be deleted
