Catalog Family

Catalog Family

Catalog Family allows Administrators to configure the images for Catalog category items. These images help in navigating through the hierarchy of categories to select the correct Service Catalog. This helps Analysts and the end-users to recognize and use Service catalogs more efficiently.

Image set at the Parent level is automatically inherited by the Child levels unless images are configured for the individual hierarchy levels. This implies if an image is configured for the parent category item, the same will be used for all its child category items until a new image is configured for the child level.

For more information on adding classifications, please refer to Create and Manage Catalog Items.

To create a Catalog family :

  1. Navigate to Catalog family under Manage> Tools.

  2. Click on “New Catalog Family” to associate an image to an existing Catalog category.

  3. On the Overview screen, select the required values for the level 1 to level 5 dropdowns to filter the catalog items.

  4. Click on Browse or Add from Library to add an image to the Catalog family.

  5. Click on Save.


    The image starts appearing when we browse through the service catalogs on Request Catalog page. For more information, refer to Request Catalog

  • Access to Catalog family is available for all Administrators. To add permission to other groups, use the Tools->Navigation Menu and set Catalog Family and add permission to respective groups.

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