Relate a Ticket to an Asset
Relate a Ticket to an Asset
As a Self-Service User, you can create tickets to report a fault or request service for the assets you own. Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management allows you to relate a ticket to an asset to track the progress of the resolution. For example, an asset can be related to an incident ticket or a global ticket. Relating an asset to a ticket is an efficient way of managing and tracking an asset.
Follow these steps:
- Log in as a Self-Service user.
- Navigate to WORKSPACES> SERVICE DESK> Ticket Center, and click My Tickets.
- Open an existing ticket.
- Navigate to the Related Assets/CIs section and click Relate Asset/CIs.
A list of assets and CIs, not related to the ticket, is displayed on the Relate Asset lookup. - Select the Asset or CI to which you want to relate this ticket.
- Click Relate Selected Items.
You have successfully related a ticket to an asset.
To unrelate, clear the check box next to the item. The system prompts you to confirm the unrelate action. Click OK to unrelate.
Relate CIs and Assets
In the Relate CI/Asset section, you can do the following tasks:
- View the asset in a new tab
- Unrelate the asset
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