Service-Level Management Parameters

Service-Level Management Parameters

The following slice configuration parameters control features related to Service Level Management. They are classified under Parameter Category Service Level Management in the Manage Slice Configuration form.


This parameter manages the level at which Approaching Violation message is displayed.




Parameter Name


Parameter Description

This parameter sets the criteria to change the SLA Target compliance status from In Progress to Approaching Violation, for a violation threshold that is applied to a Ticket.

The system default value is when the measured value reaches 80 percent of the elapsed time from a violation target time limit. It changes the SLA compliance status to Approaching Violation.

Example: If Threshold value = 10 minutes, the Status changes to Approaching Violation when crossing 8 minutes.

Default value


Valid value


Impact Area

SLA Compliance Information that displays on the SLA Compliance tab for a Ticket.

Appears on Interface

Agent and Administrator


This parameter manages the CCTI that is treated as Business Services.




Parameter Name


Parameter Description

This parameter sets the Categorization (CCTI) classes to be treated as Business Services when applied to Configuration Items. A Configuration Item belonging to any of these classes can be associated with a Ticket as Affected Service.

An SLA target can be made applicable to specific Services. SLA thresholds can be based on the Service Metric that is defined in a relation to Availability Hours (schedules) of the affected service that is linked to a ticket.

Default value


Valid value


Impact Area

Configuration Items and interacts with Service Level management based on Service availability hours.

Appears on Interface

Agent and Administrator


This parameter controls the automatic execution of alerts and escalations that are based on SLA target thresholds.




Parameter Name


Parameter Description

When the parameter value is set to Yes, the SLA Monitor performs the following actions:

  1. Applies SLA targets to the matching tickets.
  2. Monitors the compliance of the tickets.
  3. Determines the compliance status of the tickets.
  4. Displays information on SLA tabs for the tickets.

Note: With a parameter value of Yes, the proactive warnings notification and escalation actions that are associated with the SLA target thresholds are not executed.

The Activity tab information for the ticket also does not create activity records because communication or escalation actions are not executed. The parameter value must be set to No to execute the automatic warning or alert communications and assignment actions that are based on the escalation when thresholds are crossed.

Default value


Valid value


Impact Area

The automatic execution of alerts and escalation actions that are based on SLA target thresholds.

Appears on Interface

Agent and Administrator


This parameter manages SLA target based automatic notification and escalation action.




Parameter Name


Parameter Description

The default value is set to Yes that permits processing of only the highest (based on Sort Order value) actionable threshold rule and skips thresholds with lower Sort Order values.

When the value is set to No, all actions that are based on violated thresholds are executed. This applies during the SLA compliance monitoring process, when a new SLA Target becomes applicable to a ticket and the elapsed time crossed the Threshold values of the new Target. For example, a Ticket is updated such that a new Target becomes applicable.

 At the time of the SLA monitoring review, two Thresholds with Sort Orders 1 and 2 were crossed. In that case, only the actions for the Threshold with sort order 2 executes.

Default value


Valid value


Impact Area

The SLA Target based automatic Notification and Escalation actions.

Appears on Interface

Agent and Administrator

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