Product Usage Limitations

Product Usage Limitations

To ensure uninterrupted, optimal, and equivalent performance across all our customer slices, we have added product usage limitations in the application. When a limit is breached, the application displays an error message.

The following table lists the limitations that are applicable on various workspaces and functionalities of the application:

Workspace or FunctionalityLimitations
Ad hoc Reports
  • The maximum number of records that an Ad hoc report return is 50 thousand.
  • The maximum of records that you can export from an Ad hoc report into CSV file or PDF file is 5000.
Advanced Reports
  • The maximum time that is allowed to render a report on the filter criteria is 10 minutes. This time includes the time to render the report and the query execution time. If the filter criteria causes the rendering to exceed 10 minutes, the report is timed out.
  • The maximum number of records that an Advanced report return is 50 thousand.
  • Out-of-the-box reports are limited to a maximum date range of six months. Additionally, the Asset Warranty Expiration report, the Native Discovery Coverage report, and customer created Custom Ad hoc Views and Reports do not have this date range restriction.
  • The maximum number of tables allowed in a domain is 75.
  • A user cannot schedule a report more than 3 times. System prevents the user to schedule the same report for the 4th time.
  • The limit on the Jaspersoft report pages is set to control the number of output pages. We have set a limit of 1000 pages with all Jasperserver reports. This limit applies to all the output formats.(HTML,PDF, Excel etc.)
  • The limit on the Jaspersoft reports database connection has a timeout set to 10 minutes (600000 milliseconds). Report queries running longer than 10 minutes closes and an error indicating the timeout is returned to the user.
  • The maximum number of reports that are allowed for a specific role in the Advanced Report Permissions grid is 225.
Asset Discovery
  • A maximum of five active Asset Discovery Managers can be configured per slice.
  • A maximum of three active asset discovery configurations per Asset Discovery Manager can be configured.

Attachments and Bulk Upload Files

  • The maximum size of an attachment can be 50 MB.
  • The maximum size of a bulk upload file can be 50 MB.
  • For improved security, certain file types have been blacklisted from attachments. The system checks each attachment against the blacklist before it is uploaded. The blacklisted file types are:
    • Extension checks: exe, dll, vbs, jsp, apk, ipa, sh, bat, com, jar, so, sl, msi, o, swf, class, js, cgi, scr, pif, cmd, vxd, cpl.
    • MIME Type checks: application/x-msdownload, application/java-archive, application/java-vm, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-sh, application/vnd.android.package-archive, application/x-executable.

If you have existing attachments with such extensions, the files are renamed during a download to avoid their accidental execution.

Automation Center and Delay Timer
  • No consecutive delay timer steps in an automation workflow.
  • No automation workflow with only delay timer steps.      
  • Automation Center displays workflow instance data for maximum of last 90 days.

Auto Routes and Workflow Actions

  • The maximum number of Auto Routes that you can configure for each Ticket Type is 500.
  • The maximum number of Workflow Actions that you can create for each Ticket Type is 500.

The total number of attributes that you can relate to a CCTI, including the default custom attributes in the ticket template, is 100.

For example, suppose you want to assign a CCTI to an incident ticket. The default incident ticket template contains 14 attributes. So, your CCTI cannot contain more than 86 (that is, 100-14) attributes.

The three scenarios that are associated with this metric are as follows:

  • Adding the attributes to the default custom attribute ticket template for a ticket type.
  • Adding the attributes to a custom attribute ticket template which has related CCTIs associated with it.
  • Relating a CCTI to a custom attribute ticket template with some attributes associated with it.

If the total number of attributes that are associated with the CCTI exceeds the permitted level, a message is displayed.

You can also use filter to view custom attribute ticket templates based on the Status, Class, Template Type, and Form Name.

Configuration Items
  • The maximum number of CIs that you can create concurrently are 25.
  • The maximum number of CI templates that you can create is 200.
  • At a time, a maximum of five attachments you can drag and drop in the CI.

Email Communications

For each ticket, you can collectively send and receive up to 2000 incoming and outgoing email communications, that is, 1000+1000=2000. If you exceed the limit, an automatic email notification is sent to you.
Job Triggers
  • Prevent concurrent execution of Job triggers simultaneously for the same category.
  • Slice and Job category-specific minimum frequency are:
    • Auto close tickets in 15 minutes.
    • Generate Group Work schedule for 60 days.
    • Generate Service Availability schedule for 60 days.
    • Service Level Compliance monitoring for every 5 minutes.
    • Default for all other triggers is 3 minutes.

KB Articles

  • You can display a maximum of 10-KB Article Categories on the KB Home page.
  • A maximum of 15000 (non-HTML) and 40000 (with HTML) characters can be supported in the rich text editor.
  • At a time, a maximum of five attachments you can drag and drop in the KB article.


An organization hierarchy can have a maximum of 10 levels.


  • The maximum number of reports that can run concurrently are 10.
  • The maximum time that is allowed to render a report on the filter criteria is 10 minutes. The time includes the time to render the report and the query execution time. If the filter criteria causes the rendering to exceed 10 minutes, the report is timed out.

Role Based Views

The maximum number of Role Based Views you can create for each Ticket Type is 50.
Process Flows
  • The Entry Criteria Custom Matching conditions for a rule can have up to 255 characters.
  • The maximum number of entry criteria in a process workflow is limited to 100
  • The maximum rules for creating matching conditions Process flow conditions are 200


  • The minimum frequency of any SLA job trigger must be greater than or equal to 5 minutes.
  • For optimal performance, set the SLA_Threshold_Violation_Tolerance parameter to 80%. When the measured value reaches 80 percent of the threshold value, the SLA Compliance Status will be set to Approaching Violation.
  • The maximum rules for creating matching conditions for SLA targets are 250.
Standard Reports
  • The maximum number of records that a Standard report return is 50 thousand.
    Note: For Paginated Layout in the Ticket Details Report the maximum limit is 5 thousand.
  • Limits have been added for date range input parameters. For most reports if the date range exceeds 90 days, you are asked to autoschedule the report. The report is then sent to you through an email.
  • The maximum number of days of data that you can receive in an email after you autoschedule a report is 180 days.
  • The following reports allow 60 days of data before you are asked to autoschedule the report. The maximum number of days of data that you can receive in an email after you autoschedule a report is 90 days.
    • All Open And Closed Tickets
    • Configuration Item Details Report
    • Scheduled Changes
    • Scheduled Changes By Group
    • Scheduled Changes By Individual
    • Ticket Activity By Individual
    • Ticket Details Freeform Report
    • Tickets with Open Tasks Report
    • CI Related Open Tickets Report
  • The maximum limit on Trend Points for Trend reports is:
    • 12 if Frequency is Monthly
    • 15 if Frequency is Weekly
    • 30 if Frequency is Daily
  • You can append up to 25 attachments to a ticket.
  • You can create a maximum of 1000 work logs for each ticket.
  • The Custom List attributes can support a maximum of 4000 characters across all values in the list including delimiters.
  • The maximum number of tickets that you can create concurrently are 50.
  • The maximum number of Role Based Views that you can create for each Ticket Type is 50.
  • The maximum number of Auto Routes that you can configure for each Ticket Type is 500.
  • The maximum number of Workflow Actions that you can create for each Ticket Type is 500.
  • The maximum number of Custom Field Templates that you can create for each Ticket Type is 250.
  • The maximum number of Ticket Templates (Catalog Items) that you can create for each ticket type is 1000.
  • The maximum number of outbound email communications that you can send from a ticket is 1000.
  • The maximum number of inbound emails that you can receive for a ticket is 1000.
  • The maximum number of character limit for any field (alphanumeric) is 4000.
  • The maximum number of attachments that are allowed while notifying recipients is nine.
  • The maximum attachment size that is allowed while notifying recipients is 25 MB.
  • At a time, a maximum of five attachments you can drag and drop in the ticket workspace.
  • The new ticket status values do not support non-English characters.

Web Services

The maximum number of web service requests that can be processed concurrently are 100.
SessionsThe maximum number of web sessions that the Named and Concurrent users can access is two.
Advanced Ticket Center
  • The maximum number of custom attributes which can be added to the grid is five. 
  • Sorting does not work for the Project column and custom attributes.
Conditional Group AttributesYou can add multiple questions in a Conditional Group Attribute. However, the maximum number of rules which can be displayed for a conditional question is 25.
User Management
ISM uses common platform to identify the slice/tenant the user belongs to as customers with different slice/tenant use the same URL to login. Hence, Username should be unique across all the tenants in an environment.

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