Predefined Advanced Reports and Dashboards

Predefined Advanced Reports and Dashboards

Advanced Reports are only available in the ISM Service Management edition. This feature is not available in the ISM Service Desk edition.

Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management provides the following predefined reports and dashboards:





Asset Warranty Expiration

Displays a list of assets for which the warranty expires in the specified expiry date range.

Automation: Licensing Overview

Displays the licensing information for Service Automation

Automation: Workflow Executions overview

Displays the list of workflow executions over the time period.

CSM: License Usage Overview

Overview of how user accounts licenses are being utilized.

Asset Discovery

List of discovered assets within the specified timeframes

Asset Discovery Coverage

Discovery coverage of Assets by IP address scan with that of full scan

Tickets Closed By Group

Groups closing most number of tickets in a given date range

Tickets Created By Organization

Organizations raising most number of tickets in a given date range

Volume And Backlog Trend

Trend for ticket creation, closure and backlog

Warranty Expired Assets

Displays a list of assets for which the warranty has expired.

Work Effort Trend By Group

Effort spent by the groups closing most number of tickets in a given date range


Ticket Trends

Dashboard depicting top 5 ticket trends for a selected date range.

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