Design a Process Workflow

Design a Process Workflow

A process workflow defines how a ticket passes from one step to the other. Defines actions that are performed during the steps till the issue is resolved. You can design a process workflow in the following ways:

  • Design a new process workflow
  • Design a process workflow from an existing process workflow

Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management provides the following types of predefined process workflows:

  • Incident Management
  • Service Request Management
  • Problem Management
  • Change Management

Note: For more information about predefined process workflows, see Predefined Process Workflows.


Review the following prerequisites before designing a process workflow:

  • Knowledge on how to create a process workflow in your organization. 
  • Administrator privileges.
  • Knowledge on configuring predefined process workflows in the application.
  • Identify the gaps in your organization process.

Design Process Workflow

A process workflow defines the lifecycle of a ticket from the point when it gets submitted till it is resolved.

If a predefined process workflow matches your requirements, use the same with your customizations. You do not need to create a new process workflow from scratch.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Intelligent Service Management and navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Process Workflows.
  2. To create a new process workflow perform the steps 3 to 7. To create a process workflow from an existing process workflow go to step 8.
  3. Click New Process Flow. Enter the information such as process flow name, form type and tag names for search.
    Click Save & Proceed. The process designer window opens.
  4. Configure the Entry Criteria to the process workflow. For more information, see Configure Entry Criteria. Please note that a process workflow must have at least one step after the Entry Criteria. If you try to publish a workflow with only Entry Criteria you will get an error stating "The Process Flow is not valid".

    If you have not migrated the old auto routes to the process workflows, it is recommended to create a matching condition. When the matching condition is empty, Intelligent Service Management will not verify the old auto route for matching conditions to process the requests.
    Intelligent Service Management verifies the process workflows and then verifies the existing auto-routes for the matching condition for routing the requests.

    Note: Entry Criteria Custom Matching criteria have 255 characters limitation.

  5. Click the Add Step tab. Add manual and automated workflow steps to the process flow. For more information, see Use Manual Workflow Steps and Use Automation Steps.
    Note: To migrate the existing workflow actions to process designer, click Use migration utility to migrate existing auto routes. For more information, see Migrate to Process Designer.
  6. Save and publish the process workflow.

    To validate that the process workflow is complete, click Validate> Process flow. If the process workflow contains incomplete steps, an error message displays and the steps are marked in Red. Update the incomplete steps appropriately and validate again.

    Note: You cannot delete a process workflow that is in published state.

  7. Verify that the process is properly configured. For more information, see Verify Process Workflow.
  8. Create a process workflow from an existing one:
    1. Select the process workflow that you want to use as a template to design a process workflow. Click down-arrow and click Copy.
    2. Enter the name of the new process workflow and click Save. A new process workflow is created.
    3. Double-click the saved process workflow. The workflow opens in a new tab.
    4. Edit the process workflow according to your requirements by adding or removing steps and modifying the entry criteria.
    5. Perform steps 6 to 7 to save and publish the process workflow.

Export and Import Process Workflows

In addition to designing process workflows, Tenant administrators can also migrate process workflows from one environment to another. This ensures that the verified and tested workflows can be reused instead of recreating new ones.

Export Workflow

To export workflow, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Process Workflows and locate the required process workflow.

  2. On the workflow menu, select Export.

  3. The workflow is exported into an XML file and is downloaded to the user’s machine.

The XML file can now be imported into another tenant.

Only Published workflows can be migrated from one tenant to another.

Import Workflow

To import workflow into another tenant, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Bulk Process Data.

  2. Click on ‘Choose file’ to browse and select the exported XML file.

  3. Click on Upload.

  4. On the Browse tab, execute the upload execution.

The imported workflow now appears in the Process Workflow workspace.

While importing a workflow, all dependencies such as users, organizations, categorizations, value lists, custom attributes, task catalogs, task groups, task flows, etc. should be available in the destination environment. 

  • Only custom attribute or custom attribute templates are created if not available in the destination environment,
  • In case an HT attribute does not exist in the destination, an attribute is created but values are not created. Matching criteria or the assignment rules based on HT attribute would be created with empty values.
  • In case the HT attribute exists in the destination but the data is not the same as the source - rules based on values available in the destination environment are created. Rules, based on values that are not available in the destination, would be created with empty values.
  • For List, Radio type of attributes, if the attribute exists in the destination but values are not the same, matching criteria/assignment rules would be created but the value part would be blank. When the value is created in the destination, the matching criteria/assignment rule should work as expected.

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