Apply Status and Reason Code of Child Tickets to Parent Tickets

This article explains how the actions that are taken on a child ticket reflect on the parent ticket. For example, link a change request to a service request and submit it for approval. In this scenario, the service request is the parent and the change request is the child. If the change request is rejected, the Status of the change request is set to Closed and the Reason Code is set to Rejected. You can configure a workflow action to close the service request when the change request closes. As a result, the Status and Reason Code of the change request are copied to the service request.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Workflow Actions
  2. Open the Workflow Action that you have configured to close the child ticket.
  3. Set the Apply Status To Parent Service Request and Apply Reason Code To Parent Service Request options to Yes.
  4. Click Apply Changes.

You have successfully configured a workflow action to apply the status and  reason code of a child ticket to the parent ticket.

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