Manage Value Lists

Manage Value Lists

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Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management lets you customize the value lists available for certain ticket fields. 

You can customize the value lists for the following fields:

  • Impact
  • Priority
  • Urgency
  • Source
  • Worklog Type 

A value list is the list of options available in the drop-down list against a field. For example, the value list for ticket Priority in Intelligent Service Management includes the values High, Medium, and Low. You can customize the values to suit the conventions in your organization. You can rename and disable the existing values in a list. You can also add more values to the list. For example, you can rename the values for ticket priority as Level1, Level2, and Level3.

The custom values in these fields can be used in auto routes, workflow configurations, searches, and more, in the same way as the standard values.

Note: You cannot modify the out of the box Value list for work log type. However, other value list for Impact, Urgency, Source, Priority can be updated when you create a custom worklog type.

The Value Lists page has two tabs:

  • Manage Value List - Displays the list of available value lists and the forms that they are related to. Click a value list to view its details. Some actions that you can take from the Manage Value List page are:
    • View value list items. Select a value list to view related details.
    • Modify value options from the available options, as appropriate.
    • Modify the sort order of values and manage visual listing of values in the field drop-down.
  • Value List Details - Displays the details of a value list. Details include the list of values within that value list. You can modify the value list on this page.
    The fields that are named Related To Form, Value List Name, Modified On, and Modified By cannot be modified. Each value in a value list consists of the following fields:
    • Code - The code that is associated with the value.
    • Display Value - The name of the value as displayed in the user interface.
    • Sort Order - The sort order of the value within the value list.


      Please note that the Background Color field is no longer used. This field previously set the background color of the ticket row that is displayed in various ticket lists, when the ticket is associated with the value. We hope to utilize this field in future releases.


  • All values in a value list are available for CRUD operation through web services using ODATA and SOAP calls.
  • Both standard and custom values within a value list are available for Set fields, required fields, matching conditions, matching approval groups of workflow actions, approval groups, ticket templates, and auto routes.
  • Both standard and custom values within a value list can be used for filtering the relevant lists. For example, both standard and custom change types are available in filter for change calendar.
  • Both standard and custom values are available in the field list for search condition and no match message for new defined searches.
  • Both standard and custom values are available for new communication templates.
  • Both standard and custom values are available in the field list for new ad hoc reports.
  • If you are migrating, both standard and custom values become available in the upgraded environment.


  • While using the Copy To New option for any entity, the fields associated with value lists are not copied.
  • If new terms or words are added to the value list and the organization is multilingual, include these words in the language catalog and add translations.
  • For Change Type, you cannot modify the existing values. You can enable or disable the existing values, and add new values.
  • You cannot deactivate the standard values for Worklog Type and Status.

Modify Values on Ticket Fields

You can modify the values on a ticket field by modifying the associated value list.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Value Lists.
  2. On the Manage Value List tab, click the value list item that you want to modify. The details of the value list are displayed on the Value List Details tab.
  3. On the Value List Details tab, you can perform the following actions:
    • Add a value by clicking the plus icon at the bottom of the page and supply the details for the new value.
    • Modify an existing value by renaming it, changing the sort order, and changing the background color.
    • Deactivate a value by clicking Set as Inactive. The inactive value is not visible in the corresponding drop-down list.
    • Activate a value by clicking Set as Active.
      Note: No bulk action is possible, only one record can be modified at a time.
  4. Click Apply Changes

Adding Custom Ticket Status

Using Valuelists you can create your own ticket status based on the requirement. You can use the custom status in Process Flows, Workflow actions, and Autoroutes to create your process lifecycle for tickets.

You can also use the custom status in Service Level Targets to pause calculation for the tickets. 

The custom status can be used to disable editing tickets using the Configuration Parameter workspace.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to MANAGE> Tools> Configuration Parameter.
  2. Search for the parameter name: Ticket_Type>_DISABLE_USER_EDITING_TICKET_STATUS

For example: If the Ticket Type is Change Management, you need to specify the parameter name as "CHG_DISABLE_USER_EDITING_TICKET_STATUS"

     3. Specify the status in the Parameter Value field.

     4. Click Apply Changes.


  • Custom ticket status values do not support non-English characters.
  • The following values are supported in English: 

           - Letters from A to Z and a to z

           - Uppercase and lowercase letters

           - Numbers from 0 to 9

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