Asset Connector Password Change Utility

Asset Connector Password Change Utility

The asset connector installer requires you to enter the admin password during installation. By default, this password is stored in text format and used when the connector interacts with Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management. The Asset Connector Password Change Utility allows you to generate an encrypted password for the asset connector.

After you have installed the asset connector, run this utility. The utility generates an encrypted password that can be used to replace the earlier password.


  1. Stop Asset Discovery Processors windows services which are pointing to this Asset Discovery Manager, then stop the Discovery Manager Services. 
  2. When copying and pasting the generated passwords, verify that no space exists in the password.
  3. Do not change any other configuration details like ports and property names.
  4. Modify the namconnector.properties carefully. Changing any other properties in the file breaks the complete functionality.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Windows, Services, and stop the Asset Discovery Manager Windows service.
  2. Open the command prompt window and enter the installed path of the password change utility. For example, <installed drive>\CA\Asset Connector\Utilities>ChangePassword.bat.
  3. Enter –P to change the password for the asset connector. An encrypted password is generated and displayed on the command prompt.
  4. Copy the encrypted password and navigate to the following folder: <installed drive>\ Asset Connector\Connector\conf\config.
  5. Double-click to open the namconnector.properties file. The configuration details are displayed.
    Note: Run the Password Change Utility to obtain and replace the password value for Platform or the NSD Webservice.
  6. Replace the value of the platform.password attribute with the generated encrypted password. platform.password = (Generated Encrypted Password).
    Note: The platform.password is the same as the application admin password.
  7. Run the utility when you want to change the NSD Webservice Password. Replace the value of the nsd.password attribute with the generated encrypted password.
  8. Save the namconnector.properties file.
  9. Test Connection to validate the credentials. Open the Command Prompt window and enter the installed path of the password change utility. For example, <installed drive>\CA\Asset Connector\Utilities>ChangePassword.bat. Enter –TestConnection.
  10. Start the Asset Discovery Manager Windows service.

Note: If the test connection is successful, the following message is displayed on the command prompt: Test Connection is Successful. If the passwords are incorrect, then an appropriate message is displayed on the command prompt.

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