Compatibility Matrix

Compatibility Matrix

This article provides the details about the specific 3rd party components that Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management supports. 

Client Browser Support Matrix

The following table describes the browsers that Intelligent Service Management supports for all users in all workspaces: 

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Microsoft EdgeMicrosoft Internet Explorer

v39 to v78

v28 to v70

v10 to v12

v44 and above

11 and above (Self-service users only) 

  • IE 11 on Windows 7 not supported

Important Note

While functional testing is done on IE 10 and 11 for analyst workspaces, IE usage is not recommended for analysts and administrators due to poor performance. Serviceaide has no plans to enhance support for analysts on Internet Explorer due to Microsoft's end of life announcement. Serviceaide is committed to fully supporting Microsoft Edge for all users and all workspaces.

The Automation Designer workspace currently only supports Google Chrome for building Automation Workflows. To learn more about Automation Designer see Automation

With each release, Serviceaide tests with the latest commercially available version of the web browsers that are described in the table, except where specifically noted.

Our Quality Assurance (QA) cycle typically begins one month before our target for customer availability (also known as Service Availability). The browser test plans are executed at the "then-current" release of each of the browsers described in the table. As a result, the browser vendors can release updates to their software that do not make it into our QA cycle for that release. The support for each of the browsers is up to one calendar quarter.

Serviceaide supports nontested or noncertified browsers on a best effort basis. This approach starts with a test to determine when customer-reported issues can be reproduced in a tested or certified browser.

The Intelligent Service Management customers must consider this policy with their own software update policies. To ensure that customers achieve the best end-user experience with Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management, consider this approach.

Component Compatibility Matrix

The following sections describe the versions of the components that Intelligent Service Management supports.

DX Infrastructure Manager (formerly CA Unified Infrastructure Manager)

DX Infrastructure Manager


Unified Reporter (UR) Version











DX Infrastructure Manager Gateways 

NSD Gateway (NSDGTW)




  • Intelligent Service Management- Single Sign On module is validated to work with Microsoft ADFS v.2.0 and v3.0.

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