User Preferences and Social Collaboration

User Preferences and Social Collaboration

Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management allows you to personalize your profile, language, and timezone. You can collaborate with other users of the application and follow  users, tickets, and configuration items (CI) in the application. You also post messages on the message boards that are associated with the users, tickets, and CIs you follow. This article describes how to manage your profile, board, language, out-of-office information, and password in the application.

The article contains the following topics:

Update Profile and Language   

You can add your contact information, upload your photograph, and set your language, and date-time format preferences.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click your profile picture and select My Account.

  2. Add your profile information, select your Language, set your Date and time format, and click Save.
    Your profile is updated.

The timestamps on your transactions are based on the date-time format set in your profile. For information about the rules that are related to date-time format, see SLA Time Zone and Holiday List Rules.

The application currently provides the German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Suomi, Sverige, and Simplified Chinese languages.

Any changes to your language preferences or date-time format apply when you log in the next time.

Change your Password

You can change your application log in password any time.

To change your password, click your profile picture and navigate to My AccountChange Password. Enter the required information and click Change Password.

You can continue with your current session in the application even after changing the password. You would need to enter the new password when you log in the next time.

Reset Forgotten Password

When you forget your password, you can reset it on the log in page. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Forgot Password link on the log in page. You are taken to the Forgot Password page.
  2. Enter your email address. This email address must be the same as the one updated in the application records.
  3. Click the reset password link that is sent to you in an email.
    Note: This link is valid for only 24 hours. 
  4. Enter and confirm your new password.
  5. Click Save.

Set Out of Office Flag and Assign a Delegate

As the member of an organization, the resolution of specific type of tickets is dependent upon you. For example, a request for a new computer requires your approval. So, if you are out of office, the processing of such requests is delayed.

The application allows you to identify another person as your delegate or alternate contact when you are out of office. After you assign a contact as your delegate, the notifications from the application are diverted to that contact. Your delegate can act on such notifications on your behalf and can help resolve the tickets in your absence.

The application diverts only those notifications to the delegate which require an action from you.

You can assign a contact as your delegate only if you are a member of the same primary organization and primary support group.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click your profile picture and select My Account.
  2. Enable the Out of Office check box.
  3. Select a delegate.
  4. Save the changes.

To stop your emails from being diverted to the delegate, clear the Out of Office check box.

The Name Search lookup shows only contacts that belong to your primary organization and primary support group. Other contacts in your primary organization and primary support group can also assign you as their delegate. You can be a delegate to more than one contact simultaneously.

The out of office feature is available to all users of Intelligent Service Management.

Change Theme

You can change the color theme of your application based on your preferences. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Profile icon on the top right corner of your screen and click Change Theme.
  2.  Select a theme and click Save.

Any changes to your theme preferences apply when you log in the next time.

Set Time Zone

The Time Zone field in Intelligent Service Management is a Read Only field. You cannot set the time zone for a given user. The time zone and timestamps visible to you are controlled by your computer settings. When users log in to the application the time zone of their computer is synced with their user account.

To change your time zone, change your computer settings. The application automatically updates your time zone on the basis of your current system settings.

My Board

A board is a venue for social collaboration in the application. My Board is an extended profile page for users and objects. This page lets users exchange information informally, around streams of activities that the system users or objects publish.

All users have a board. All objects, such as tickets and CIs, also have a board. The board page displays the activities and contributions that are published for a user or object. You can use your board for microblogging. As you publish content, the users who follow you automatically track your contributions.

You can use the board functionality as follows:

  • View your board: Navigate to WORKSPACESMY WORKSPACEMy Board.
  • View board of another person or object: Locate the user or object under Following. Move the pointer over the user or object, click Actions, and select View Board.
  • Write on your board: Type your post in the Write Post field, and click Share. The post is added to your board and is visible to other users.
  • Write on the board of other person or object: Navigate to the corresponding board, write your post, and click Share. Your post is added to the board of that person or object.
  • View list of objects and people your are following: The list of user and objects is displayed under Following.
  • View list of people who are following you: The list of user and objects is displayed under Followers.
  • Follow or unfollow an object: All object details pages have a board section at the bottom which includes a Follow button. Click this button to follow the object. For example, in the case of a ticket, scroll to the bottom of the ticket page and click Follow. If you are already subscribed to an object, you see an Unfollow button. Click this button to unsubscribe from the object. You can also point your mouse over an object in the Following grid on the My Board page and select Unfollow.
  • Follow or unfollow people: Move the pointer over the profile picture of a user, anywhere in the application, to view a profile card. Select Follow or Unfollow. You can also do a global search to locate, and follow or unfollow the user.

Following the people or system objects lets you track their contributions and activities. All their published items appear on your board for the people and things that you follow. When you stop following a person or object, you no longer see the activities of that user or object on your board.

The board for a ticket does not display worklog items or information that is related to ticket activity. Such information is displayed separately in the Activity History grid of a ticket.

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