Manage Access to Create and Edit Contact Profile

Manage Access to Create and Edit Contact Profile

As an administrator, you decide who can edit contacts from a ticket tab. Contacts are end users who submit tickets. You can allow all analysts to have access to the create and edit feature. You can also restrict the feature to specific analysts. By default, all analysts can create and edit contacts from the ticket tab.

To change the default settings, perform the following tasks:

Disable Access to all Analysts

The functionality to edit and create contacts from the ticket tab is enabled in the application by default. To disable this functionality, perform the following tasks:

  1. Navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Configuration Parameters.
  3. Set the Parameter Value to NO.

Enable Access to Specific Analysts

The role Contact Profile Editor allows analysts to create and edit a contact. Such analysts can use this feature even when CONTACT_CREATE_EDIT_FROM_TICKET is set to No.

To assign this role to an analyst, navigate to MANAGE> ADMINISTRATION> Tools> Roles. Search and select the desired groups or contacts. For more information about managing roles, see Create and Manage Roles.


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