Importing Asset using Bulkupload via Webservices

Importing Asset using Bulkupload via Webservices


Importing Asset using Bulkupload via Webservices.


How to Import Asset using Web service.


For importing asset using web service call, download the bulk upload sheet and select XL Sheet "Assets" and remove other irrelevant pages, fill the details and make sure that mandatory values (column marked in Red) are filled. Now save the XL sheets on local machine. Now go to SOAP UI and access Bulk Upload WSDL and select importAssets, fill the credential, select response format either as XML or JSON. In AssetDataFileName, give the file name which you have saved earlier (Bulkupload XLs) as example in screenshot 'Assets1.xls' and AssetFileData value will populate automatically, don't make any change to it.

Now select Attachment in bottom and attach the Bulk upload sheet which is saved and select value from drop down in 'Part' column and now click on submit for execution of web service call. Please refer to the screenshot for better understanding.

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