Performance issues for Intelligent Service Management

Performance issues for Intelligent Service Management


This document will give you instructions about on how to resolve or determine performance issues for Intelligent Service Management


If you are unable to login to Intelligent Service Management and is there any performance issue, then please check the blow checklist.


1.Check the Browser which you are using, weather is it a supported Browser or not? Go to the Product Documentation and search for Browser Compatibility matrix.
2.If your slice is configured with a user-friendly URL and it is redirecting to CA SaaS URL (ex: https://csm3.serviceaide.com/) then check when you are facing performance issue? Whether accessing user Friendly URL or CA SaaS URL? 
3.If you are using SSO URL to access the application and you are not able to login then first validate to access to application without SSO URL (https://csm3.serviceaide.com/) and if it its working then Check the SSO configuration like SAML availability or validate SAML certificate if it is updated or not.
4.As Browser Cache will store the last session Details it may cause some performance issue, so clear the browser Cache and try to access the system. It's recommended to check performance using Private Browsing / Incognito mode browser (chrome) 
5.If you face any challenges while accessing the Intelligent Service Management using CA SaaS URL (Ex: https://csm3.serviceaide.com/) check whether it is the same problem happening with Direct URL (https://direct-csm3.serviceaide.com/)
6.As an Administrator check if is there any Long Running Job Triggers in the slice Configuration.
7.There is a chance on performance issue if you perform any Bulk activities in the slice. 
8.Please perform PING and MTR/Traceroute to the Intelligent Service Management URL (https://csm3.serviceaide.com/).  Check weather Application is accessible or not?
Note: We took https://csm3.serviceaide.com/ as an Example the same thing will applicable for other Environments.

Keywords: Administration

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