Approval Engine from Change Tickets keeps generating pending action notifications though the approved ticket


This article describes why Approval Engine keeps generating pending action notifications from Change Tickets even when the ticket has already been Approved. 


Why pending action Email Notifications by Approval Engine continues to fire off from Change ticket every few hours even after the ticket has already been Approved?


If a Change Request has already been approved, and if the 'Planned Start Date' and 'Planned End Date' fields in the Change Plan section are configured on that Change, and if the date-time mentioned in the 'Planned End Date' field is breached, and still the ticket has not been implemented, that is, the 'Actual Start Date' and 'Actual End Date' are not set in the Change Ticket, then the Approval Engine sends out a notification as an Alert to the Assigned Group or Assigned Individual about the pending Change, when the set time interval has elapsed after the 'Planned End Date' of a change implementation.

This is because even though the ticket is approved but it is still not implemented, a reminder notification for implementing the Change is being sent from the ticket.
If two reminders have already sent to the assigned individual/group, then further reminders go to the Manager of Assigned Individual. 
The time interval between the email notifications getting fired off from the Approved Change Request not completed as per the 'Planned End Date' schedule, is determined by the configuration parameter NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL_FOR_APPROVED_CHANGES_NOT_COMPLETED.

This parameter only controls the time interval (in hours) between the email notifications for Approved Change Requests not completed as planned. It does not enable or disable these notifications.
By default, the value for the parameter NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL_FOR_APPROVED_CHANGES_NOT_COMPLETED is set to 24 hours.
Once the 'Actual Start Date' and 'Actual End Date' are set in the Change ticket, these reminder notifications will stop. 

Keywords: change request; email notifications; approval; Expiry Date

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