Configuration Management

Configuration Management

The Configuration Management parameters described in this article control the features relating to Configuration Management. These parameters are classified in the configuration parameter category Configuration Management in the Configuration Parameters form.


This parameter helps define the Configuration Items (CIs) level of nesting until which to traverse - how much deep in the relationship hierarchy should the CI relationships be traversed and displayed.

Parameter Name


Parameter DescriptionDefines the level of nesting for the CIs until which to traverse. The relationship hierarchy of the Configuration Items that how deep it can be traversed and displayed. If set to zero (0), the entire relationship hierarchy will be displayed.
Default Value 
Valid Value As required by the user. 
Impact Area Configuration Items> View Relationship Graph
Appears on Interface Agents

This parameter updates the Impact field on a ticket based on the highest impact value set in the related Configuration Items (CIs). The CI impact helps reflect the criticality of the issue in the associated ticket automatically.

Parameter Name
Parameter Description

If the parameter is set to Yes:

  • the Impact field appears as read-only in the ticket.
  • the Impact field in the ticket is updated with the Impact value set in the Related CI of the Ticket. In the case of multiple CIs related to a ticket, the highest impact value of the related CIs is considered.
Default ValueNo
Valid Value As required by the user. 
Impact Area Ticket Details and Configuration Items
Appears on Interface Administrators

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