Create Artifact by uploading a Document

Create Artifact by uploading a Document

As a Curator / Administrator, you can create an Artifact using a document (on your local machine). Luma Knowledge imports the information from the provided sources and creates a knowledge base. You could upload the document manually or import the document from a shared location using the Federated service.

If your tenant uses a metadata-based search, the curator should ensure that the topic related to the artifact already exists in the Knowledge Graph. This will place the artifact correctly in the graph. 

Luma supports artifact creation from various file types.

  • Document: Only .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, and .txt file types are currently supported. You could upload a single file or zip file with multiple documents.

  • Images: Image files (e.g. .png, gif, jpeg) are supported for Artifact curation. Luma can extract information from images.
    Note: Luma can also extract information from images uploaded as PDF documents, while creating artifacts. Note: Contact the Serviceaide support team to enable this service.

  • You can use Multimedia files to create Artifacts via Public URLs or file uploads; .mp4 and .ogg files a

Follow the below steps to create an Artifact using a Document as a knowledge source:

  1. On the Create Artifact page, navigate to the Document Import tab.

  2. Select a domain from the Domain list. The Domain represents the area, department, region, or field the artifact belongs to. The Domains available in the list are available out of the box. To update the list, refer to Adding a new domain on the Knowledge Graph.

  3. Select the template to be used. Select ' Mini Artifact ' if your document does not follow a specific template.

  4. ‘Drag and drop’ your document or ‘Choose File and browse’ your Document.

  5. Provide 'Source' which indicates that where the knowledge being

  6. Click on Import.



The new artifact is created. The artifact is listed in the Knowledge Store. You can Publish the Artifact, making it available for end-users. Refer to Knowledge Store for more information.

Based on the search method Luma processes the artifact. If your tenant uses Semantic Search, the system breaks the document into the chuck and vectorizes it. The system uses these chucks to search for information when the user requests. In the case of metadata-based search, Luma generates ontology for the artifact.
For more information, refer to Knowledge Search.

  • Ontology is only generated if your tenant uses Metadata search. All new tenants use Semantic Search by default. Refer to Semantic Search for more information.

  • For the Web URL, use the Web Crawler utility. Refer to Web Crawler Utility for more information.

Based on the Artifact Publishing Mode configuration for your tenant and the identified ontology, the Artifact status is determined:

  • Publish if basic metadata is available: If Luma Knowledge identifies the mandatory metadata, i.e., Topic, Subjects, and Actions, Artifact is automatically set to Published state. The artifact is set to Draft state if the metadata is not found. This option is not available for Semantic Search.

  • Publish Draft: Artifact is set to Draft state and must be reviewed and Published manually.

  • Publish Anyway: Artifact is automatically Published, with or without mandatory Artifacts.

Refer to Tenant Configurations for more information.

  • The administrator can configure the maximum file size for the supported Source document formats. If the source document exceeds the permitted size, Luma Knowledge presents an error message, and the Artifact creation fails. Refer to Tenant Configurations for more information.

  • An Artifact is not available for End Users to search and consume unless the Curator publishes it.

  • You may use an excel file (.xlsx) to import Questions and Answers into the Luma Knowledge. Add questions and answers as columns and upload the document to create the artifact. The file is used to create the parent artifact, and each Row in the excel sheet is treated as a QnA pair for the artifact.

  • To add multiple questions for each Answer, add the questions with Column names such as Question, Question1, Question2, etc., as required. All the questions are used to generate the main metadata for the QnA Pair and can be used to search for knowledge. However, in the Artifact details screen, only the question in the Column named 'Question' is displayed.

  • While import an excel file, ensure that all the Question and Answer pairs are added on the first worksheet in the file. Luma Knowledge only uses the information on first sheet to curate the Artifact.

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