How to Restore Artifact to an older version

How to Restore Artifact to an older version

Luma Knowledge supports Artifact versioning. Curators use artifact versions to track edits to Artifact content. A major Artifact version (e.g. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) is created when the artifact is updated and Published. You can also create minor versions (e.g. 1.1,1.2, 1.3) to track every artifact edit. A minor version is created once the artifact is edited and changes are saved. Set Tenant configurationCreate artifact minor version flag to True to create minor versions of the Artifact on every edit.

You can view the Artifact Version History in the Artifact details section. The list displays all the Major and Minor Artifacts versions.

Based on your tenant configurations, the system creates minor and major versions for the artifacts For more information, refer to Tenant Configurations | Artifacts. If Tenant configuration → Create artifact minor version flag is set to False, Minor versions are not displayed in the list.

You can restore a previous version of an artifact. Restoring the Artifact version allows Curator to revert any changes done to the Knowledge artifact based on their reviews or user feedback. Follow the below steps to restore a previous version:

  1. Navigate to the Knowledge store and locate the Knowledge artifact.

  2. Click on the Artifact quick view, click on the Artifact ID to navigate to the Artifact details screen.

  3. The artifact version history is available in the artifact details section. Click on 'See all versions ' to view the complete list in a pop up.

  4. Select the required version and click on the Restore version.

  5. Select Confirm on the confirmation message.

A new version of the artifact is created with information from the restored version. The artifact state is inherited from the restored version. For example, if a Major version (published) is restored, the artifact is set to Published. When a Minor version (draft) is restored, the artifact status is set to Draft.

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