Create Skills

Create Skills

This article details how to create skills and includes the following topics:


Any request to be fulfilled by the Virtual Assistant/Bot must be defined in a logical entity called Skill, where you define the intention of the user request, the required information to process the user request, and fulfillment details that resolve the user’s request. A conversation is started and completed when the user request/intent understood and fulfilled by the Virtual Agent. These components together provide the back and forth conversation between the bot and the user and can enhance the end user's service management experience. This article details how to build skills and take advantage of the many configurable options.

Create New Skill 

The Skill Details section allows you to provide skill identification details. To create a new skill, do the following:

  1. On the Skill Builder page, click Create Skill as shown below.

  2. You can now give a skill name, category, description and insert user phrases to create a new skill.

  3. Now, click on Create to proceed.

Let's now look at how we can create skills in Visual skill designer.

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