KPI Dashboard
KPI Dashboard provides Organizational Key Performance Metrics in terms of Money, Time saved, and the value that Luma brings to the organization. It enables to the view of the key metrics related to Return On Investment with the Luma. This DashBoard is beneficial in many ways and empowers Management, System Administrators to get real-time data on the Metrics.
The KPI metrics are calculated based on the KPI Settings and the KPI Metrics defined at the Tenant level and each skill level.
For more information on configurations, please refer to Tenant Settings and Create Skills.
KPI Metrics configurations should be set diligently as these configurations determine KPI dashboard Metrics calculations and values.
In Luma, the following Metrics are envisioned:
Actionable Support Requests
Automated Resolutions
Deflected Support Requests
KPI Dashboard is available as a Landing page for Bot Builder. You may also navigate to KPI Dashboard under the Bot menu.
You may select the Date Range for viewing the Metrics. View metrics for predefined ranges like Last 24 Hours, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, etc., or select Custom to view metrics between specific dates. Select “Since Inception“ to view metrics since the beginning of the system
By default, the Date range is set to “Last 30 days“.
The selected filter will reflect the metrics and are presented in the Dashboard.
Total Cost saved
Return on Investment in terms of Cost Savings, achieved by having Luma in the organization. A cumulative sum of the total Cost saved from Actionable Support Requests, Automated Resolutions, Deflected Support Requests, Follow-ups based on the selected date range.
Total Time saved
Total Time saved with the help of Luma Virtual Agent to fulfill the user requests which otherwise would have been spent by the Support Agent(s).
This is the Cumulative sum of the total Time saved for Actionable Support Requests, Automated Resolutions, Deflected Support Requests, Follow-ups for the selected date range.
Actionable Service Requests
These metrics provide details of the Actionable Service Requests tickets created by the Luma and the time saved.
Cost saved
The cost is calculated as:
Average Support Agent Cost per Minute * Average Support Agent Time saved for follow up in Minutes * Number of Service requests created
Time saved :
The time saved is calculated as:
Average Support Agent Time saved for follow up in Minutes* Number of Service requests created
This is the total number of Service Requests created by the Luma for the selected range of periods.
Automated Resolutions
These metrics define the resolutions fulfilled by the Luma that involved triggering automated workflows or performing integration calls to the external systems to fulfill the user’s request. It gives the total hours saved and the total number of resolutions made automatically without the Support Agent intervention.
Cost Saved
The cost is calculated as:
Average Support Agent Cost per Minute * Average Support Agent Time saved for follow-up in Minutes* Number of automated resolutions triggered.
Time Saved
The time saved is calculated as:
Average Support Agent Time saved for follow-up in Minutes* Number of automated resolutions triggered.
This is the total number of automated resolutions triggered by the Luma for the selected range of period.
Deflected Support Requests
These metrics define the total number of Support requests fulfilled by the Luma that deflected/avoided the requests to the IT Support Team and the total cost saved out of it.
Cost Saved
The cost is calculated as:
Average Support Agent Cost per Minute * Average Support Agent Time saved for follow up in Minutes* Number of deflected service requests.
Time Saved
The time saved is calculated as:
Average Support Agent Time saved for follow-up in Minutes* Number of deflected service requests.
This is the total number of deflected service requests by the Luma for the selected range of time.
These metrics provide details of the Automated actionable follow-ups done from Luma to notify users in the channels avoiding manual follow-ups from Support Agents.
Cost Saved
The cost is calculated as:
Average Support Agent Cost per Minute * Average Support Agent Time saved for follow-up in Minutes* Number of follow-ups.
Time Saved
The time saved is calculated as:
Average Support Agent Time saved for follow-up in Minutes* Number of follow-ups.
This is the total number of follow-ups sent by the Luma for the selected date range.
The metrics are calculated after the skill execution is completed.
The metrics are not calculated if there is agent transfer, user exiting the skill, executing a sub-skill, user idle conversation timeout.
The metrics currency is considered based on what is configured in the Tenant Settings.
Conversations through the Test Widget are not considered for calculating the metrics.
Export KPI measurements
The information available in the various segments on the KPI Dashboard can be exported into an excel file. This allows you to get in-depth details on the skill executions and conversations that are used to calculate the metrics. You can generate a single report with all the KPI metric measurements and filter the report on the columns such as KPI Metric Type, dates, Session ID, Channels, to create report views as required.
Click on the download button on the segment to download the report.
On the confirmation pop-up, click OK to proceed with downloading the report.
The information will be downloaded into a .xlsx file, which can be saved in your local system.
Following details are available on the report:
KPI Metric Type: This represents the KPI metrics calculated during the executed skill.
Conversation ID represents the conversation id as part of which the skill was executed.
Date is the date and time of the KPI calculation.
Skill Name represents the name of the skill executed.
Skill Identifier is the identifier of the skill executed
Configured Cost Rate (Per Hour) is the configured cost of support effort per hour.
Configured Time Rate (In Minutes) is the effective support time saved by executing the skill.
Measured Count is the number of times selected KPI is calculated.
Saved Time (In Minutes) is the support effort ( time in minutes) is saved during the conversation by executing the skill.
Saved Cost: This is the cost saved during the conversation by executing the skill. This is calculated based on the Saved Time (In Minutes and the Configured Cost Rate (Per Hour).
Username represents the username in Luma Virtual Agent.
Email represents the user’s email id in Luma Virtual Agent.
User Role represents the user’s role as per the user’s profile in Luma Virtual Agent.
User Group represents the user’s group as per the user’s profile in Luma Virtual Agent.
User Status indicates the user’s current status in Luma Virtual Agent.
Channel represents the Luma chat channel through which the message is sent.
Conversation Start Date represents the date and time when the user, initiated the conversation with Luma VA
Conversation End Date represents conversation completion date and time.
Session ID represents the session id as part of which the skill was executed
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