Support Agent Actions

Support Agent Actions

This section details how a Tenant Administrator can create and manage Support Agent Actions in Luma Virtual Agent.

Support Agent Actions are predefined actions that Support Agents can perform on behalf of the end-users. While assisting the End-Users via Agent Chat Console, the Support Agents can execute requests in the target systems in the end-user context. As an Administrator, you can create actions such as Logging a ticket, Updating worklog, Assigning Tickets, Updating priority, Booking a conference room, etc., to enable the Support Agents to assist the End-users efficiently.

For more details on how to use Support Agent Action, refer to Using Support Agent Actions.

Create Support Agent Actions

Follow the below steps to create Support Agent Actions for your Tenant:

  1. Navigate to the Agent Chat Console tab on Tenant → Settings.

  2. Click on the Support Agent Actions section to manage actions for the tenant.

  3. The page lists the existing actions available for the Support Agents to execute on behalf of the End-Users. You can sort the list or search for the required action by typing the Action Name in the Search box.

  4. Click on Create Action.

  5. On the Create Action screen, you can define the form fields to be filled by the Support Agents, the operation to be executed in the target system, and the Message to be displayed to the Support Agent once the required operation is executed.
    To configure the action, follow the below steps:

    1. In the Details section,

      1. Add the action Name.

      2. Set Status to Active.


    2. Click Next. The Form Fields section defines the information required to execute the required operation in the target system. Add the form fields to be populated by the Support Agent to execute the request.

      1. Click on the Add button to add a new form field.

      2. Add the field Display Name.

      3. The system automatically generates the Field Identifier. The identifier can be used in Form Submission steps or Message to refer to the Form Field value, using context variable {supportagentaction.formField.<fieldIdentifier>}.

      4. Select the input Field Type, i.e., if the expected input is Single-line Text or Multiline text. For example, select Text for inputs such as Ticket ID, contact number, email id, etc. Use Multiline Text to add Issue Description, Address, etc.

      5. Select Mandatory if the field’s data is required for the form submission.

      6. Add the Default value for the field. The default value is used if the Support Agent does not add a value for the field while executing the action.

      7. Define the Validation for the field, if required:

        1. Match Pattern: Use A regular expression to ensure the input follows an exact pattern such as [1-9]00-[1-9][1-9]*, [*]@[*].com

        2. Exact Length: The exact number of characters required for valid input. For example, an employee ID must be 6 characters, or a mobile number should be 10 characters.

        3. Minimum Length: Minimum number of characters required for valid input. For example, the office code must be at least 3 characters.

        4. Maximum Length: Maximum number of characters required for valid input. This is often used in conjunction with Minimum Length. For example, the office code cannot be more than 6 characters.

        5. List: The provided value must be on the list. For example, the Office must be from the list of Office Location list.

      8. You may define more than one Form Field. At least one input field is required to configure an action.


    3. Click Next. On the Form Submit section, define the steps that should be performed once the Support Agent submits the form in Agent Chat Console.
      On the Add Flow Item dropdown, select the Flow item in the sequence of execution of steps. Here, you may add:

      1. Set Attribute to transform and store information received from the user or an integration call. Use Set Attribute to transform the value and then use it in integration to execute a task, or in the Message section, to display information. For example, extracting user details like first name, last name, organization name from an email address received as user input. Refer to Using Set Attribute for more information.

      2. Integration to connect to the target system to perform actions to fulfill the user's request. For example, an integration action with an ITSM system such as ISM, ServiceNow to log a ticket. For more information on how to use integration, refer to Using Integrations.

    4. Click Next to configure the Success Message. Define the response message to be displayed to the Support Agent on the successful execution of the action. This could be a success message or a response value received from the integration that Support Agents can share with the end-user. For example, display the Reference number of the ticket logged for the end-user request.

    5. Once the details are added, click on the Create button.

The Support Agent Action is now created and can be executed on Agent Chat Console.

  • Use the context variable 'supportagentaction.formField’ to reference the Form fields values in the Form Submission steps and Success Message.
    Syntax: @{supportagentaction.formField.<fieldIdentifier>}

  • The field values are in the end-user context and are cleared once the action is executed for the Support Agent.

  • Support Agent Actions do not require additional Build and Publish to be performed.

  • At least one Input Field and one Form Submit item is required to configure an action.

  • Use the copy button (next to the identifier) to copy the context variable (@{supportagentaction.formField.<identifier>}), which can be used .to refer the attribute in Integrations, Set Attributes, or Messages.

Export Support Agent Actions

Similar to Skills, Follow-ups, and other Bot components, you can be export Support Agent Actions from one Bot and imported these into another bot. This ensures that the configured and tested Support Agent Actions can be reused instead of recreating new ones. You may also create and verify the actions in the test environment before importing the same into the production environment.

To export a set of Support Agent Actions from your bot, follow the below steps:

  1. On the Support Agent Actions page, select the actions to be exported.

  2. Click on the Export option.

  3. On the confirmation message, click on the Export Selected button to export the selected actions. Click on Export All to export all the configured actions in your Tenant.

  4. The selected Support Agent Actions and all related entities such as Integration, Set attributes are exported in XML format and downloaded into a ZIP file.

  5. The downloaded zip file can now be imported into another Tenant using the Export and Import functionality.

Copy a Support Agent Action

Sometimes, a new Support Agent action might be required which is similar to an existing action with few minor changes. Instead of creating Support Agent Action again, the Administrator can copy an existing action and modify the same.

To copy a Support Agent Action, follow the below steps:

There are two ways to Copy an Action,

  1. Within an Action

    1. On the Support Agent Actions page, Select the Action that you want to duplicate from the Actions list. You may also search for the required action, by typing the Action Name in the Search field. 

    2. On the details screen, click on Copy.

    3. Create the required action, that appears with copied details.

    4. Add the Action Name. You may edit other configurations like Form Fields, Form Submit, and Messages as required.

    5. Click Create to save the new Action.

    6. A new Action will be created. The status of the new Action will be the same as the source. It can be changed as per the business needs.

  2. On the Action list

    1. On the Support Agent Action page, hover over the required Action.

    2. A Copy button appears on the record. Click the copy button.

    3. Create Action page appears with copied details.

    4. The Name of the Support Action is kept blank and is not copied. Add the required name.

    5. You may edit other configurations such as Form Fields, Form Submit, and Message on the Action as required. Refer to Using Support Agent Actions for more details.

    6. Click Create to save the new Action.

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