Welcome'/'What can you do: In this section, you can define the set of available skills as suggestions to end-users after the ‘Welcome’ skill or ‘What can you do’ skill is triggered.
Fallback: The Fallback process is triggered when Luma does not identify any skill based on the user's phrase. For more information on the Fallback process, refer article NLP Settings. In this section, you can configure the number of consecutive fallback attempts before the Luma Virtual Agent presents suggested skills to the end-user. You can customize the skills to be suggested for users based on their default groups in Luma Virtual Agent, incase in case a fallback is detected.
Abort/Exit: When users do not wish to continue the conversation with Bot or Support Agent, they can use the Abort or Exit command configured for their bot. Refer to Configure System Skills and Small Talk for more information. In this section, you can configure a list of Suggested skills when the user exits a conversation using the Abort/Exit command.
Attribute Validation: In this section, you can define the number of attempts for the attribute validation before Luma Virtual Agent presents skill suggestions. The ‘Number of attempts’ defined here is the maximum number of times Virtual Agent prompts the user to provide information to validate attribute input. Once the defined attempts are exhausted, the suggested skills are displayed to the end-users. You can customize the skills to be suggested for users based on their default groups in Luma Virtual Agent.
Transfer to Agent: Here, you can define the skill suggestions to be displayed when an end-user requests Transfer to Agent but select an Offline Support group to talk to. You can customize the skills to be suggested for users based on their default groups in Luma Virtual Agent.
Didn't find it useful: In this section, you can configure the list of skills to be suggested when the end-user does not find any of the recommended services or knowledge useful. You can customize the skills to be presented to users based on their default groups in Luma Virtual Agent.
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