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Total Messages

The total number of messages between the bot and end users across all channels during the selected period. You can compare the total number of interactions between the bot and your users across different channels over different periods and determine the most popular channel of interaction. This also helps you to analyze how effectively your bots are being leveraged by users for various skills.

Executed Skills

The number of skills that were executed or fulfilled (text response or web services action) during the selected period. This metric helps you to understand how many skills are helpful in resolving the user queries. Testing is not included in this metric. System skills executed will not be counted as part of Skills executed count. Skills executed in Testing Widget are not captured in the dashboard.

Agent Transfers

The number of times users triggered the Transfer to Agent skill during the selected period. Analyzing this metric helps you to understand the skills which need to be built, or modify the existing skills to avoid the agent transfer process.

Transactions Used/OwnedThis metric displays the number of owned transactions versus the number used. It helps the administrator to ensure compliance with license agreements and purchase more transactions if necessary. There are two types of transactions. Skill transactions relate to triggering any fulfillment type (text, web service, automation, email) on a custom or ITSM skill. Automation transactions are in addition to skill transactions and are used when an automation workflow is triggered.

View Bot User Details

Users includes the New Users, Self-service Users and Analyst users’ metrics. This metrics helps you to understand how effectively the bot is being leveraged by different type of users over a selected period.
