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While adding a user you can define the licensing type of that user. This helps on how the user uses the application. For more information about adding users, see Manage Users.


A Self-Service user is a user who needs assistance from the Service Desk team and does so through the mobile app, email, phone, or the self-service interface. Self-Service users can create, update, and approve tickets that are related to their requests but cannot create or manage tickets of other users. They can search their ticket history and if security allows, the tickets of the organization they belong to.
Intelligent Service Management customers receive an unlimited number of Self-Service users with their purchase of the application.


Beta Corp purchases five Named Licenses, creates user accounts in the application for the four IT managers and and one Administrator, and associates each of them with a Named License. These five users can log in to the system at any time.
Beta Corp cannot create any more users with a Named license as they would be out of compliance with their contract for five Named licenses. If they needed to add another user with a Named license they would either need to purchase another Named license, make one of the existing users inactive or assign a different license type that Acme Beta Corp owns to one of those users.

Note: By associating an active user account with a Named license, that user is consuming a Named license. If you have users associated with Named licenses that are no longer using the system, do set them to inactive.

The terms Named and Fixed refer to the same type of License and Serviceaide is standardizing on the term Named going forward.


For more information about Slice Configuration, see Slice Configuration.

Licensing rules for


Named users:

A Named user license is assigned to one and only user. Named User licenses cannot be shared across multiple user accounts.


Assigning Concurrent user licenses is not restricted, but the number of concurrent users that can log in at the same time must not exceed the specified limit. The number of concurrent licenses a company purchases, defines the maximum number of concurrent license users who can log in to the application simultaneously.


  1. Navigate to MANAGE> TOOLS> Manage Sessions
  2. Select the check box in the first left column to specify the user 
  3. Click Log out user.

Usage of session for Named users:

A named user can access two web sessions and unlimited mobile sessions at any time. 

Usage of sessions for Concurrent users:

A concurrent user can access two web sessions and unlimited mobile sessions. If the concurrent user log in counts are less than the specified limit, the user gets an alert before logging in.

For example, If the user (Named/Concurrent) is logged in to Intelligent Service Management in the Chrome browser and also in Firefox, the user will not be allowed to log in to Intelligent Service Management in Safari at the same time. The user will get an alert before logging in to the session and will be asked to logout one or both of the existing sessions.