The advanced reporting feature adds comprehensive and interactive reporting and descriptive data analytics capabilities to Serviceaide Intelligent Service Management. With advanced reporting, you can perform the following tasks:


With the upgraded advanced reporting component, you can get advantage of the following list of features:

Notes: Wildcards are a set of options to define a dynamic date and time display format in dashlets (individual components) and text fields of dashboard. For example, you can enter a wildcard such as $Date, into a text input field to display the current date or time. 

$Date: Displays the current date in Month, Date, and Year (MM-DD-YYYY) format. For example, October 18, 2017 is displayed as 10-18-2017.

Review the following definitions to familiarize yourself with the Advanced Reporting module:


The Domain specifies the available data set to create Ad Hoc views. Data sets consist of necessary fields that are used to create report. The application supports the following data sets:

When choosing the data source while creating an Ad Hoc view, select the domain from one of the following paths:

Use the Cloud SM/Domains/Cloud SM domain to design content with new data sets.

You can edit domains that are displayed under Edit Domain option. In each domain, you can add or remove tables and the allowed limit to add tables in a domain is 75. However, you can add required tables by removing the unnecessary tables from the list. 

Ad Hoc View

An Ad Hoc View contains the necessary information such as fields and filters to create a report. Using an Ad Hoc View, you can generate a report and can display the data in the form of a table, crosstab, or chart. You can add and summarize fields, define groups, label and title the report, and format data for each field.

Consideration to Use Existing Ad Hoc Views and Reports

When you want to add custom fields to an existing Ad Hoc views and Reports, add the fields manually to Custom Cloud SM domain.

Note: We would not support any issues related to customer-created custom domains, Except (Custom Cloud SM and Custom Cloud SM2 (Archived) domains)

Note: We would not support any issues related to customer-created derived table queries