By default, Luma Virtual Agent (Luma VA) is configured to detect a predefined set of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) fields to enhance data security and ensure compliance with privacy regulations. These fields are automatically recognized and managed, reducing the risk of sensitive data exposure. Administrators can customize PII detection by enabling, disabling, or modifying these fields based on their organization's specific policies and requirements.
Default PII Recognizers in Luma VA
Once PII detection is enabled, the out-of-the-box (OOTB) recognizers become available in the PII Recognizers page. The complete list of PII recognizers can be found in the Tenant → Settings → PII Recognizer page. These recognizers allow Luma VA to automatically identify and manage sensitive data within conversations and stored information.
List of Default PII Recognizers
The following PII recognizers are available in Luma VA:
Credit Card Recognizer – Detects credit card numbers using standard card formats.
Example: 4111-1111-1111-1111
Crypto Recognizer – Identifies cryptocurrency wallet addresses for various digital currencies.
Example: 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa (Bitcoin Address)
IBAN Recognizer – Recognizes International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN) used for banking transactions.
Example: GB29NWBK60161331926819
IP Recognizer – Detects both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses used to identify devices online.
Example: (IPv4), 2001:db8::ff00:42:8329 (IPv6)
Medical License Recognizer – Identifies professional medical license numbers issued to practitioners.
Example: ME1234567
US Bank Number – Recognizes US-based bank account numbers for financial institutions.
Example: 123456789
US Driver License – Detects driver’s license numbers issued by state DMVs.
Example: D123-456-789-012
US ITIN – Identifies Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers used for tax processing.
Example: 912-34-5678
US Passport – Recognizes passport numbers issued by the US government.
Example: 123456789
US SSN – Detects Social Security Numbers (SSN) issued to US residents.
Example: 123-45-6789
Each PII recognizer in Luma VA comes with configurable options that allow administrators to customize detection and masking settings based on their organization's requirements. The configurations help Luma recognize the information mask it accordingly. Below are the key attributes available for each recognizer:
Name: The display name of the recognizer (e.g., US SSN).
Entity Name: The system-defined identifier for the recognizer (e.g., US_SSN).
Description: A brief explanation of what the recognizer detects.
Detection Method: Defines how the recognizer detects PII (e.g., pattern match and context).
Mask in Bot Response? indicates if the PII should be masked during the conversation between User and Virtual Agent. You can enable or disable the masking in bot responses.
Status: Indicates whether the recognizer is active or disabled.
Example Recognizer Configuration
Name | Status | Entity Name | Mask in Bot Response? | Description | Detection Method |
US SSN | Active | US_SSN | Yes | A US Social Security Number (SSN) with 9 digits. | Pattern match and context |
PII Recognizers are identified based on the associated Regex pattern. For OOTB recognizers, the pattern is inbuilt and does not require any review or change. To create a custom pattern to identify a new PII information, you can create a custom PII Recognizer.
Editing OOTB Recognizers
Administrators can modify the behavior of out-of-the-box (OOTB) PII recognizers. To edit a PII recognizer configuration, do the following:
Select the required recognizer from the list.
Click on Edit.
You can now update the configurations. The following options are available for customization:
Enable or Disable Recognizers – Activate or deactivate specific recognizers as per their organization's policies.
Mask PII in Bot Responses – This setting allows administrators to define whether PII should be masked in responses sent to the user. Enabling this option ensures that the detected PII values are hidden in both the chat conversation and conversation history.