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The following are the data sets that are available in the ServiceAide Cloud Service Management (CSM):


Data Set Name



Asset Status

Status of the asset

Asset Tag

Tag for the asset

Asset Type

Type of the asset


Is this asset a bring your own device


Describes whether the asset is a ci

CI Name

Name of the CI that is related to the asset

Discovery Source

Source of discovery of the asset

Hierarchical Path

The full path of the organization

Host Name

Host name for the Asset

Modified By

The last User who modified the asset


Name of the Asset


The Owner of the Asset

Purchase Order Number

The purchase order number for the Asset

Serial Number

Serial Number for the Asset


Is the Asset Active or Inactive


The Vendor name for the asset

Created Date

The date when the asset was created.

Modified Date

Modified Date of the asset

Last Discovery Date

The date when the asset was last discovered by discovery engine.

Warranty Expiry Date

Warranty Expiry Date for the Asset

Asset Softwares

Installed On

Software installed Date

Installed Path

Installed Path for the software


Name of the software


Is the software a patch


The publisher for the software


The Version of the software

Asset Status


List value

Asset Types


Value of asset type

Exceptions linked to Assets

Exception Type

Exception type

Exception Date

Exception date

Hardware Asset

Core Count

Core count

Disk Space

Disk space

Disk Used Space

Disk used space

DNS Name

DNS name

IPV6 Address

IPV6 Address

Memory Slots In Use

Memory Slots In Use

Processor Count

Processor Count

Processor Speed

Processor Speed

Processor Type

Processor Type

Total Memory

Total Memory

Total Memory Slots

Total Memory Slots

Hardware Server

Core Count

Core Count

Disk Space

Disk Space

Disk Used Space

Disk Used Space

DNS Name

DNS Name

IPV6 Address

IPV6 Address

Memory Slots In Use

Memory Slots In Use

Processor Count

Processor Count

Processor Speed

Processor Speed

Processor Type

Processor Type

Total Memory

Total Memory

Total Memory Slots

Total Memory Slots



The alias for the model


Manufacturer of the model

Model Name

The name of the model

Part Number

The part number of the model




CCTI Class





Tickets linked to Assets

Asset Ticket Id Transform

Asset ticket ID transform

Hardware Printer

DNS Name

DNS Name

Printer Type

Printer Type

Hardware Mobile







Phone Number

Phone Number

Hardware Tablet







Phone Number

Phone Number

Hardware Storage

Array Name

Array Name

Disk Space

Disk Space

Disk Used Space

Disk Used Space

DNS Name

DNS Name

IPV6 Address

IPV6 Address

Hardware Workstation

Core Count

Core Count

Disk Space

Disk Space

Disk Used Space

Disk Used Space

DNS Name

DNS Name

IPV6 Address

IPV6 Address

Memory Slots In Use

Memory Slots In Use

Processor Count

Processor Count

Processor Speed

Processor Speed

Processor Type

Processor Type

Total Memory

Total Memory

Total Memory Slots

Total Memory Slots

Network Firewall

DNS Name

DNS Name

Firewall Type

Firewall Type

Network Hub

DNS Name

DNS Name

Number Of Ethernet Ports

Number Of Ethernet Ports

Processor Count

Processor Count

Total Memory

Total Memory

Network Router

DNS Name

DNS Name

Network Connection Type

Network Connection Type

Number Of Connected Network Ports

Number Of Connected Network Ports

Number Of Ethernet Ports

Number Of Ethernet Ports

Number Of Network Ports

Number Of Network Ports

Processor Count

Processor Count

Total Memory

Total Memory

Network Switch

DNS Name

DNS Name

Number Of Ethernet Ports

Number Of Ethernet Ports

Processor Count

Processor Count

Total Memory

Total Memory


Data Set Name



Affected Services

The services affected/impacted by the ticket

Assign To Group

The group to which the ticket is assigned to.

Assign To Individual

The individual to whom the ticket is assigned to.


Category (CCTI) of the ticket


Class(CCTI) of the ticket

Closed By

The analyst/user by whom the ticket was closed by.

Closed Date

The date on which the ticket was closed.

Created By

The user by whom the ticket was created by.

Created Date

The date on which the ticket was created.


Description of the ticket


Details of the ticket


Impact of the ticket (High/Medium/Minor etc.)


Item(CCTI) of the ticket

Modified Date

The date on which the ticket was last modified.


Priority of the ticket (Critical/High/Medium/Low etc)


Reason due to which the ticket is pending.


User who requested for the ticket

Requester's Email

Email of the Requester

Requester's Organization

Organization of the Requester

Requester's Phone

Phone of the Requester

Requester's Organization Hierarchy

Requester's Organization Hierarchy

Resolved By

The user by whom the ticket was resolved by.

Resolved Date

The date on which the ticket was resolved.


Source of the ticket (Phone/Email/Service Desk, etc.


Status of the ticket (Open/Pending/Assigned /Resolved/Closed)

Ticket Count

Ticket Count

Ticket ID

Ticket ID

Ticket Phase

The phase in which the ticket is in (First/Second etc.)

Ticket Type

Type of the ticket (Service Request/Change/ Incident/Problem)


Type (CCTI) of the ticket


Urgency of the ticket (Medium/High/Low etc.)


Flag to notify If the user who raised the ticket is a VIP user or not.

Ticket Age

Used to know the age of the ticket from the time it is raised.

First Resolution Time

Displays the total number of days that are taken to first resolve the ticket from the date it was created.

First Closure Time

Displays the total number of days that are taken to first close the ticket from the date it was created.

Last Closure Time

Commonly used in the scenario where the ticket is re-opened and closed more than once. Displays the total number of days that are taken from the date the ticket is created to the latest closed date.

Last Resolution Time

Commonly used in the scenario where the ticket is re-opened and resolved more than once. Displays the total number of days taken from the date the ticket is created to the latest resolution date.

Total Pending Time

Provides information about the total number of days that a ticket is in pending state.

Change Request

Actual End Date

Actual End Date of the Change Request

Actual Start Date

Actual Start Date of the Change Request

Actual DurationThe actual duration taken for the implementation of change request

Business Criticality

Business Criticality of the Change Request

Change Type

Change Type

Environment Affected

Environment Affected by the Change

Outage Type

Outage Type caused by the change

Planned End Date

Planned End Date for the change rollout

Planned Start Date

Planned Start Date for the change rollout

Planned DurationThe planned duration for the implementation of change request

Reason For Change

Reason For Change

Requested For

User for whom the change is requested for

Requested For Email

Email of the user for whom the change is requested for

Requested For Organization

Organization of the user for whom the change is requested for

Requested For Phone

Phone of the user for whom the change is requested for

Requested For Org Hierarchy

Org Hierarchy of the user for whom the change is requested for

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment of the change

Outage Duration

Outage Duration of the change

Change Impact

Impact of the change

CIs Affected

CIs Affected by the change

Implementation and Verification Plan

Implementation and Verification Plan for the Change

Backout plan

Backout plan for the change

Location Affected

Location Affected by the change


Affected User

User affected by the incident

Affected User's Email

Email of the user affected by the incident

Affected User's Organization

Organization of the user affected by the incident

Affected User's Phone

Phone of the user affected by the incident

Affected User's Org Hierarchy

Org Hierarchy of the user affected by the incident

Symptom Details

Symptom Details of the incident

This Incident Is

If the incident is a global incident or a related incident to another global incident


Severity of the incident

Global Issue Id

ID for the Global Incident


Affected User

User affected by the problem

Affected User's Email

Email of the user affected by the problem

Affected User's Organization

Organization of the user affected by the problem

Affected User's Phone

Phone of the user affected by the problem

Affected User's Org Hierarchy

Org Hierarchy of the user affected by the problem

Symptom Details

Symptom Details of the problem

This Problem Is

If the problem is a global problem or a related problem to another global problem

Global Issue Id

Severity of the problem


ID for the Global problem

Service Request

Requested For Email

Email of the user for whom the Service request was raised for

Requested For Organization

Organization of the user for whom the Service request was raised for

Requested For Phone

Phone of the user for whom the Service request was raised for

Requested For Org Hierarchy

Org Hierarchy of the user for whom the Service request was raised for


User for whom the Service request was raised for

Task (Ticket Tasks)

Actual End Date

Actual End Date of the Ticket Task

Actual Start Date

Actual Start Date of the Ticket Task

Actual DurationThe actual duration taken for completion of the task

Contact Person

Contact Person for the Ticket Task

Contact's Email

Contact's Email for the Ticket Task

Contact's Organization

Contact's Organization for the Ticket Task

Contact's Phone

Contact's Phone for the Ticket Task

Contact's Org Hierarchy

Contact's Org Hierarchy for the Ticket Task

Planned End Date

Planned End Date

Planned Start Date

Planned Start Date

Planned DurationThe planned duration for completion of the task

Task Name

Task Name

Task Order

Task Order

Task Relevant Detailed Info

Relevant detailed info for the ticket task

Task Type

Type of the task

Ticket Id


Asset Discovery

Data Set Name



Discovery Configuration

Configuration Name

Configuration Name

Discovery Type

Discovery Type

Discovery source

Discovery source

Discovery Database Name

Discovery Database Name

Database Host Name

Database Host Name

User Name

User Name





Recurrence Start Date

Recurrence Start Date

Recurrence End Date

Recurrence End Date

Template Name

Template Name

Discovery Job Status

Job ID

Job ID

Scan Status

Scan Status

Total Discovered Assets

Total Number of assets discovered in the scan

Scan Start Time

Scan Start Time

Scan End Time

Scan End Time

Basic Discovered Assets count

Basic Discovered Assets count

Deep Discovered Assets count

Deep Discovered Assets count

Newly Discovered Assets Count

Newly Discovered Assets Count

Updated Assets Count

Updated Assets Count

Discovery Connector Information

Installed Machine

Connector Installed Machine

Installed Path

Installed Path

Operating System

Operating System





Configuration Items

Data Set Name



Configuration Items


Category(CCTI)  of the Configuration Item


Class(CCTI)  of the Configuration Item

Created By

Configuration Item Created By

Created Date

Configuration Item Created Date


Description of the Configuration Item


Function of the Configuration Item


Item (CCTI) to which the Config Item belongs to

Modified By

Configuration Item Modified By

Modified Date

Last Modified Date of the Configuration Item


Name of the Configuration Item

Physical Location

Physical Location to which  Configuration Item belongs to

Physical Organization

Physical Organization to which  Configuration Item belongs to

Physical Site

Physical Site to which  Configuration Item belongs to

Status Date

Status Date of the Configuration Item


Type(CCTI) of the Configuration Item


Status of the Configuration Item


Owner of the Configuration Item


Data Set Name




ITPM Project

Project ID


Project Identifier (not GUID, user defined project label)

Project Name

Upgrade Exchange Server for Org NA

Title of the Project

Project Description

Upgrading Exchange Server Version for Organization NA from 2010 to 2013

Description of the Project

Project Owner

Owner of the Project

Project Objective

Enhance email experience for Org A users

The objective or purpose of the Project

Project Approval Status


The approval status of the project

Project Planned Cost (in $)

5000 $

The Planned cost in $ for the Project

Project Actual Cost (in $)

10000 $

The Actual Cost incurred in $ for the Project

Project Status


The Status of the Project

Project Priority


The Priority or urgency of the Project

Project Start Date


The date when the project was started

Project End Date


The date when the project was completed

Project Created Date


The date when the project was created

Project Modified Date


The date when the project was last modified

Project Task Lanes


The task lanes of the Project Kanban board which represent the states of the tasks

Project Tasks per Lane (count)


The number of tasks in a particular task lane within the project

Project Total Time Spent (in hours)

600 hours

Total Effort or Time Spent in Hours

Project Associated Organization


Organization for which the Project is created for.

Project Members

Members of the Project

Project Member Permissions

Read Only

Permissions for each member of the project

Project Blockers

"Office Communication Server Integration"

Tasks that are blocked and blocking the project

Favorite to

User to whom the project is marked to be a favorite to

Project Task

Data Set Name




ITPM Project Task

Task ID


The ID of the Project Task

Task Name

Activate subscription service for all users

The Project Task name

Task Project

"Upgrade Exchange Server for Org NA"

The name of the project to which the task belongs to

Task Created Date


The date on which the Project task is created

Task Owner

The owner of the project task

Task Deleted


If the project task was deleted

Task Last Modified Date


The date on which the project task was last modified

Task Description

Activate Exchange Server subscription service for all users

Description of the Project task

Task Blocked Status


If the project task is blocked

Task Blocked Reason

MS subscription order is pending biz approval

Reason for the project task to be blocked

Task Due Date


The due date for the completion of the project task

Task in Lane (Task State)


The lane / task state in which the task exists in the Project Kanban board

Task Priority


The Priority or urgency of the Project task

Task Size in Days

20 days

Task Type

Ticket Task

The type of the project task

Task Created By

The user who created the project task

Task Closed Date


The date on which the  project task was closed

Task Associated to Ticket (Y/N)


If the project task is associated to a ticket

Task Associated Ticket ID


The ID of the ticket to which the project task is associated

Task Associated Ticket Title

Activate Exchange Server subscription service for all users

Title of the Ticket which is associated to the Project Task

Task Associated Ticket Description

Activate Exchange Server subscription service for all users

Description of the Ticket which is associated to the Project Task

Task Associated Ticket Type


The Type of the ticket to which the project task is associated to

Task Associated Ticket Status


The status of the ticket to which the project task is associated to

Task Associated Ticket Priority


The priority of the ticket to which the project task is associated to

Task Associated Ticket Resolved Date


The resolved date of the ticket to which the project task is associated to

Task Associated Ticket Worklog

Completed upgrade of Exchange Server 2013

The worklog of the ticket to which the project task is associated to

Task Associated Ticket Closed Date


The closed date of the ticket to which the project task is associated to

Task Ticket Last Modified By

The user who last modified the ticket to which the project task is associated to

Project Time Entry

Data Set Name




ITPM Project Time Entry

Task Timelog Comments

Completed upgrade of Exchange Server 2013

Comments for the task timelog entry

Task Timelog Entered By

Sarath S

User who entered the timelog for the task

Task Associated Ticket Total Time Spent

35 hours

Total time spent on the ticket which is associated to the project task

Task Total Time Spent

40 hours

Total time spent on the task (including the associated ticket time spent)

Task Time Spent

5 hours

Time spent on the project task

Task TimeLog Owner

Sarath S

The user who owns time entry for the project task

Task Associated Ticket TimeLog Entered BY

Sarath S

User who entered the timelog for the ticket associated to the project task

Task Associated Ticket TimeLog Value

20 hours

The timelog value for the ticket to which the task is associated to

Project Associations

Data Set Name




ITPM Project Associations

Project Associated CI

Mail Service

Configuration Item to which the Project is associated to

Project Associated Ticket (Direct)


The ticket that is directly associated to the project

Project Associated Ticket (via Proj Task)

Activate Exchange Server subscription service for all users

The ticket that is associated to the project via project task

  • No labels