Knowledge Store
Knowledge Store is the collection of Artifacts available in Luma Knowledge. Every Artifact, created manually or using the predefined Templates, is listed in the Knowledge Store. Once the Semantic Analysis is successfully run on the Artifact and Ontology is generated, the Artifact starts appearing here.
An Artifact in the Knowledge Store undergoes the following phases:
Once an Artifact is successfully curated in Luma Knowledge, it appears in Draft state. The Curator can review and publish the Artifact. The Artifact state is changed to Published and it is available for End Users. It now appears in search results. If the Artifact is not used or the knowledge is obsolete, Curator can Retire the Artifact. Once the Artifact is marked as Retired, it does not appear in search results for end-users. The curator can Check out and update the artifact content or can permanently Delete the Artifact if the details are incorrect. For more details, refer Edit and Publish Artifact section below.
Drafts represent Artifacts curated in your tenant that are pending for review and Publish. These Artifacts are not available for End Users.
Published represents all Published Artifacts available for your tenant.
Retired represents all Artifacts that have been retired by the Curator. These Artifacts are temporarily unavailable for End Users. The curator can update and Publish the artifact.
Deleted represents the Artifacts permanently deleted by the Curator.
A Curator is responsible for managing and Publishing Knowledge Artifacts in Luma Knowledge. Knowledge Store is used to review and manage Artifacts, FAQs, Source information, Metadata, and Ontology details.
Navigate to the Knowledge Store tab to view the knowledge base available in your Tenant.
The Artifacts in the Knowledge store are available in two views:
List View: This is the default view in the Knowledge Store. In addition to the graph view, all the Artifacts curated for your tenant are listed here. Use the Navigation button to view the full grid or graph view.
You can filter and sort the list on the available columns. Following are the details available in the view:
Artifact ID: The unique sequence number assigned to the Artifact, once it is created in Luma Knowledge.
Artifact Name: The Artifact name assigned during Artifact creation
Modified Date: The last Artifact modified date
Source: This is the base document, URL, or Template used to create the Artifact in Luma Knowledge. If the Artifact created using a Document or Web URL, you can click on the Source link and view the source document.
State: Indicates the current Artifact status.
You may also double-click on any of the nodes in the graph to filter the list accordingly.
Card View: Click on the Card View to view the Artifacts in card format. Scroll through the page to find and view the artifacts. You may double click on any of the nodes in the graph to filter the view accordingly.
Filter and Search Artifact
Luma Knowledge allows Curators to create Simple Filters and search for the required Artifacts. These filters can be configured and saved for future use. To create a filter, follow the below steps:
Click on Filter.
The Simple filter section lists the already saved filters. You may select and apply one of the existing filters or create a new filter.
Click on New.
Add the required criteria such as Domain, Topic, Creation date, or State.
To save the filter for future use, add the Filter name and click Save.
Click Apply filter.
The Artifact list is filtered based on the applied filter criteria. You may also search for an Artifact by Title or Summary.
Select the required Artifact to view the details such as Summary, Content, QnA pairs (FAQs), and Artifact Metadata in Quick View.
Click on Artifact ID to view the Artifact Detailed view. Here you can review and update the Artifact as required. The screen is divided into below sections:
View Artifact
As a Curator in Luma Knowledge, you can use the Artifact Detailed view to manage Artifacts available in the system. The screen is divided into below sections:
General Details:
This section holds general information regarding Artifact creation. The details are captured when the Artifact is created in Luma Knowledge.
The below details are available on the screen:
Artifact ID: The unique sequence number assigned to the Artifact once it is created in Luma Knowledge.
Artifact Name: The Artifact name assigned during Artifact creation
Status: Indicates the current Artifact status.
Summary: Summary added to the Artifact during Artifact creation or created by Luma automatically. Information, in Summary, is used to identify the Ontology of the Artifact
Source: This is the base document, URL, or Template used to create the Artifact in Luma Knowledge. If the Artifact is created using a Document or Web URL, you can click on the Source link and view the source document.
Domain: This is the Domain that is manually assigned to the Artifact when it is created in Luma Knowledge.
Added by: Details of the users who created the Artifact.
Added On: Date and Time when the Artifact was created in the system.
Upvotes: This indicates the Positive feedback received for the Artifact by the end-user
Curation Status: This indicates the Curation status of the artifact. This shows the status of various curation processes that are applicable and executed for the artifact. Click on refresh to view latest status.
Downvotes: This indicates the Negative feedback received from the end-user for the Artifact.
Version History: This is the list of the historical versions of the artifact created over time. The Version history is available inside the menu. Click on 'View all Versions' to view the list of all the versions created to date.
Version History list displays all Major and Minor Artifact versions. If Tenant configuration → Create artifact minor version flag is set to False, Minor versions are not displayed in the list.
Question and Answer Pairs (FAQ):
All QnA pairs (FAQs) for the Artifact, generated by Open AI, Semantic Analysis, or created manually by the Curator, are listed here. Below are the details available in the section:
Question and Answer pairs were created for the Artifact.
Metadata identified for each QnA pair- Topic, Action, Subjects, Motivation, Keywords, and Key phrases.
Effectiveness of the QnA is derived from user feedback - upvotes and downvotes. This is available for the QnA pairs created by the Semantic Analysis process.
Source Information used to create the Artifact. This section is available only for Artifacts created using a document. You can select a Q&A and view the segment on the document used to create the Q&A.
Knowledge Graph
In the section, you can find the graphical illustration of the Topic-Artifact relationship in the Knowledge Graph. It represents the hierarchy path where the Artifact is available in Knowledge Graph. You may click on View in Knowledge Graph to view the Artifact and its Topic Hierarchy in Knowledge Graph.
This section lists the metadata identified for the artifact using the Open AI and Semantic Analysis process. It represents the critical information (terms or phrases) that describes the Artifact. It enhances the best response for Artifact searches.
The tab shows the Key phrases created via Open AI if Open AI is enabled. Click on ‘Show More’ to show the Keywords generated by the Semantic Analysis.
The Permissions section contains the Groups and Users with access to the Artifact. When searching for information in Luma Knowledge, the Artifact is visible and accessible only to users with View permission on the artifact. When an Artifact is created and Published, it is available to all users by default. The OOTB Public group is automatically assigned to the Artifact. You can update the Groups and Users list as required. Refer to the Manage group for more information.
The Contents section is displayed when the artifact is created manually using a template or by uploading a document with the template. The section displays the Artifact fields from the selected template and the added information.
Edit and Publish Artifacts
A Curator periodically reviews and updates the information in an Artifact, as required. Below are the functionalities available in the Knowledge Store that enable information management in the system.
Edit an Artifact
As a Curator, you can update Metadata or add new QnA pairs to an Artifact. This helps in ensuring that the Knowledge in the system, is up to date, improved, and is accessible to users.
An Artifact cannot be edited simultaneously by more than one curator. The artifact is locked once it is checked out of Edit, to prohibit others from editing. The lock is released once the changes are saved.
Follow the below steps to Edit an Artifact.
Select the Artifact and navigate to the Artifact details screen.
In the option, select Checkout. The Artifact is moved to Draft status and opens in Edit mode.
Click on Edit to edit Artifact details.
If the Tenant configuration is set to create minor versions on Edit, i.e., Create artifact minor version flag is set to True, a minor version of the Artifact is created.
You may now update the Artifact Name and Summary.
In case the Artifact source type is Document, you may update the Source document.
Click on Change Source.
Browse the new source document.
You can update the Artifact details in the content section. The section is available for artifacts created manually using a template or by uploading a document with the template.
Any update to the Artifact details retriggers the curation processes. Verify the changes and click on Confirm to continue with the update.
Updates are saved.
The Artifact is added to the parsing queue for Ontology generated based on the updated summary.
If Open AI is enabled, a request is sent to regenerate the Summary, FAQs, and Keywords based on the updated content. The new content generated is added to existing content.
If the Source document is updated, QnA pairs are updated based on the new source document. Luma Knowledge creates new QnA pairs and removes the Obsolete QnA pairs. QnA pairs manually created or updated by the curator are retained.
The Artifact can only be edited in Draft status. Once Checked out for edit, the Artifact status changes to Draft and is not available for End Users. It must be Published again to be available for users, even if no changes have been made.
The source document can be updated only for Artifacts with Source Type ‘Document’. For other source types (Web URL or Template), the Change Source button is disabled.
When an existing artifact is updated and added to the parsing queue, it can be accessed in read-only mode.
Once created, Domain is not editable on Knowledge Store, however, it can be updated on Knowledge Graph. For more information, refer to the Knowledge Graph.
When the Artifact is Checkout for edit by a curator, the artifact is locked and is not available for other curators to edit. The lock is released once the changes are saved or discarded by the curator.
Add QnA pair
You may add new QnA pairs to the Artifact in the Draft state.
Scroll to Question and Answer Pairs and click on the Add FAQ button.
Add the new Question and Answer and Click on Add Q&A Pair.
Luma Knowledge generates metadata for the new FAQ pair, and it starts appearing in the Q&A pair list.
Update Metadata
Follow the below steps to update the metadata of an Artifact in the Draft state:
Select the Artifact and navigate to the Metadata tab.
Click on Edit to update the metadata.
To update Topics, you may search and select a topic from the existing topics available in the Knowledge Graph.
For Action, Subjects, Motivations, and Key values update metadata phrases.
Update data as required and click on Save Changes.
Metadata can only be updated when the Artifact is in Draft status.
Updates to the Topic metadata also change the Artifact’s hierarchy in Knowledge Graph.
Edit a QnA Pair
You can update the contents and metadata of a QnA pair linked to an Artifact in the Draft state. Follow the below steps to edit an existing QnA pair.
Select the Artifact and navigate to the Artifact details screen.
Scroll to Question and Answer Pairs and click on the Edit button.
You may now update the Question, Answer, or the metadata fields- Action, Subjects, Motivation, and Key Values.
Update data as required and click on Save Changes. A confirmation message appears confirming the update.
QnA pairs can only be updated when the Artifact is in Draft status.
QnA pairs always inherit Topic from the Parent Artifact and cannot be directly updated. Any change to the Parent Artifact’s Topic automatically replicates to related QnA pairs.
Restore Artifact version
You can restore a previous version of an artifact. Follow the below steps to restore a previous version:
Select the required Artifact to view the details.
Click on the Version history.
Select the required version and click on the Restore version.
On the Confirmation message, select Confirm.
The older version of the artifact will be restored. A new version of the artifact is created with information from the restored version, and The artifact state is set to the status of the restored version.
The artifact status is inherited from the restored version. For example, if a Published version of the artifact is restored, the artifact is set to Published. When a Draft version is restored, the artifact status is set to Draft.
If a minor version of the artifact is restored and the Tenant configuration is set to create Minor versions, a minor version of the artifact is created with Draft status. Refer to Tenant Configurations for more information.
Publish an Artifact
Once the Artifact's contents are reviewed, it is ready to Publish. Follow the below steps to Publish:
Select the required Artifact to view the details
On the details screen, click on Publish.
On the confirmation message, click Yes if the Artifact has been updated as per the end-user feedback recommendations received for the artifact.
A new (major) Artifact version has been created and is available for end users. If Yes is clicked, the recommendation count is reset.
If mandatory metadata, Topic, Subject, and Actions are missing, an error symbol appears next to the Artifact name. In such a case, the Artifact cannot be published. Add the required metadata and retry Publishing.
Retire an Artifact
Based on feedback from End Users and accessibility, the Curator can retire an Artifact. A retired artifact does not appear in End-user search results. However, it is available in the Knowledge Store, and the curator can update the Artifact as required in the future and make it available for users.
To retire an Artifact, do the following.
Select the Artifact and open the Artifact details screen
In the option, select Retire.
The Artifact status is now changed to Retire. The Artifact will not appear in any future search results for End Users.
Only a Published article can be retired. When an Artifact is Retired, related FAQs are also retired.
Delete an Artifact
Once the Artifact is retired and no longer needed, the Curator can delete the Artifact from the system. Follow the below steps to delete the Artifact:
Select the Artifact and open the Artifact details screen
Select Delete.
The Artifact is now deleted from the system and does not appear in search results for the End Users.
Artifact Deletion is an irreversible process. Once deleted, the Artifact cannot be retrieved.
Upon deletion, all FAQs related to the Artifact are also deleted and removed from Luma Knowledge and Knowledge Graph.
An artifact or FAQ can also be deleted through Knowledge Graph or a supporting application that can communicate with the system using Luma Knowledge API.
Assign Permission on an Artifact
Artifacts in Luma Knowledge are visible and accessible only to users with View permission on the artifact. The permission can be assigned either to individual users or to the User Group(s) created in the tenant. For more information on user groups, refer to Manage Groups.
When an Artifact is created and Published, it is available to all users by default. The OOTB Public group is automatically assigned to the Artifact. You can update the Groups and Users list as required. Refer Manage group for more information.
To assign permission on an Artifact, follow the below steps:
Navigate to Knowledge Store and open the required Artifact.
On the Artifact details screen, scroll down to the Permissions tab.
To assign a Group:
On the Groups section, click on Add Group.
On the Groups list, select the required group (s).
Click Add.
To assign a User:
On the Users section, click on Add User.
On the User’s list, select the required users(s).
Click Add.
Selected users and users associated with the selected group can now search and view the artifact.
Access permissions can be assigned to an Artifact in Draft and Published State.
Export Artifact Report
You can generate a quick report on the artifacts available in the Knowledge Store. This generates a report (CSV or Excel) with select artifact details.
To generate the report, follow the below steps:
On the Knowledge store, select the artifacts to be exported. You may skip the step if you want to generate a report on all artifacts available in the Knowledge Store.
Select Export Artifacts in the options menu.
A Report is downloaded on your local machine.