Search History
Search Logs in a Knowledge Management system are crucial for knowledge management and continuous improvement. It provides valuable insights into users’ search behavior and preferences.
The Search History workspace in Luma Knowledge serves as a centralized repository where administrators and curators can access and analyze the recorded search data. Every Knowledge search by the end user is captured and available in the Search History. By reviewing these logs, administrators gain a comprehensive understanding of the search queries made by users, the corresponding results returned, and the specific details related to each search. This information proves particularly valuable when troubleshooting any issues related to searches and the displayed results. With the ability to track and examine searches, administrators can optimize search algorithms, build the knowledge base and enhance the overall search experience for users.
Within the Luma Knowledge system, every search retrieves matching Knowledge Articles and Service Catalogs. The 'Search History' workspace contains two distinct records for each search performed: one for Knowledge and another for the Catalog. Each record provides comprehensive insights into the search, including the search phrase, ontology match, applied filters, and the resulting outcomes presented to the user.
All the Searches via Luma Virtual Agent, Knowledge Search Widget or Search API are available in the workspace. Search identifier can be used to filter on the searches.
To access Search History, navigate to Tenant → Search History on the left navigation pane:
Clicking Search History opens the following workspace.
Viewing Search Logs
Every search by the end user is captured and available in the Search History. The searches can be filtered based on:
Date Range - filters by the conversation start date and time. Default filter applied is Last 24 hours data
Search ID
Search Type- Knowledge/Catalogs. The default filter applied is All
Search List
The most recent searches are shown at the top of the list as the default sort order is the Start Date based on the Date Range filter. A user can alter the sort order by selecting the field from the dropdown next to the field name. Sorting can be performed on the selected field. You can sort the filtered conversations on Start Date or Time.
Select the search from the list to view the details in the Search Logs section. You can ‘Hide’ the list of searches to have more space to view the details related to the selected search.
Search log
Once the required search record is selected from the list, the log section is populated with search details. On the section header, you can view the search type (Knowledge or catalog) and search identifier.
Troubleshoot Events
The search log contains the list of events that occurred during the specific search in Knowledge. Only one search detail can be viewed at a time. The date and time in the log are displayed in chronological order of the events that occurred, with the oldest event on top and the newest on the bottom. Therefore scrolling down through the events follows the search from start to finish. The events are grouped by Datetime and are expanded by default.
For a Knowledge Search, you can view the following events:
Knowledge Request - The event is triggered when the Knowledge search is initiated. Here you can find the user phrase used for information search and the tenant configuration that governs the result found.
Ontology Identified - Indicates the Ontology or metadata generated from the user phrase. Here, you can see the Keyphrases, Topics, Subjects, Actions, and Motivations identified.
Search Performed - The event is triggered when the system performs a Knowledge search in the Knowledge Base. The system uses a tri-lateral algorithm to identify best-matching information. In the search log, the event is triggered for each algorithm - Keyphrase search, Metadata search, and Full-text search. The event shows the article details, Matched ontology, Confidence score, band, and relevancy score for each identified artifact.
Filter Applied - This indicates the filters applied to identified Artifacts. Filters such as Permission, Confidence Score, and Confidence Band are applied to filter the artifacts and remove the Knowledge from the search results.
Response Generated - The event indicates the search results presented to the end user. Here you can view the Matching Articles with the respective information such as Confidence score, Relevancy score, and Confidence band.
Artifact Requested - The event is triggered when the end-user opens an artifact in the result set to view the details.
The information enables the Administrator to understand how the request is processed in Luma Knowledge and presented to the user on Luma Virtual Agent.
Under Response Generated event,
‘Number of Levels’ indicates how results are presented to the user. When the count is more than 2, Guided Conversation is presented to the user.
The topic in the Artifact list represents the parent topic under which the Artifact is presented in the Guided conversation. If Topic information is not available in the Article list, it indicates that the user is presented with a list of Knowledge Articles as result.
Similarly, for a Catalog Search, you can view the following events:
Catalog Request - The event is triggered when the Catalog search is initiated. Here you can find the user phrase used for information search and the tenant configuration that governs the result found.
Ontology Identified - Indicates the Ontology or metadata generated from the user phrase. Here, you can see the Keyphrases, Topics, Subjects, Actions, and Motivations identified.
Search Performed - The event is triggered when the system performs a Catalog search in Luma Knowledge. The system uses a tri-lateral algorithm to identify best-matching information. In the search log, the event is triggered for each algorithm - Keyphrase search, Metadata search, and Full-text search. The event shows the Catalog details, Matched ontology, Confidence score, band, and relevancy score for each identified catalog.
Filter Applied - This indicates the filters applied to identified catalogs. Filters such as Permission, Confidence Score, and Confidence Band are applied to filter the results and remove the catalogs from the search results.
Response Generated - The event indicates the search results presented to the end user. Here you can view the Matching catalogs with the respective information such as Confidence score, Relevancy score, and Confidence band.
Catalog Requested - The event is triggered when the end-user requests a catalog in the result set to view the details or submit the request.
Ticket Created - The event indicates the ticket created through the requested catalog. The information is sent back by the ITSM system once the ticket is successfully created. A Notification is triggered to the requester and recorded in the event log.