Create Catalog

Create Catalog

In addition to importing the Service catalogs from the ITSM system via the Federated service or Bulk import, you can also create service catalogs manually in Luma Knowledge. Such Catalogs are available only through Luma Knowledge.

Follow the below steps to create the service catalog in Luma Knowledge manually:

  1. Click on Create Catalog under Catalog Management on the left panel.

  2. Enter the Catalog name and description. This is the display name of the catalog that the end-user sees in search results.

  3. Add keywords. Keywords are the metadata or tags that are used by Luma Knowledge to identify catalogs. Add as many unique keywords as required.
    Note: Be mindful of the keywords added to the catalogs. Random and repetitive keywords would return multiple catalogs in search results. Add specific and meaningful keywords for better searches.

  4. Select the relevant Categories from the select category hierarchy. Categories are used to classify the catalogs. For example, you may add ‘Wifi Access Request Catalog’ to Technical Service-->Network Devices-->Wifi.
    Traverse through the category hierarchy and Select the required category. You can add multiple categories to your catalog.

  5. Form Url: Add the service catalog url of your ITSM system. The url is used to redirect the user to the service catalog form.

  6. You may add a Short solution to the catalog. The information can be displayed to the user before the catalog is used. This is optional.

  7. You can also link an external or internal Knowledge Article to the catalog. provide the URL to the Knowledge Article or web page. This is optional.

  8. Provide a Catalog Image. Click on the Catalog Image and enter the image URL or upload the image from your local system. Click Insert. The image is associated with the service catalog. The image is displayed to the user whenever the Catalog is returned in the search.

  9. Click on Save to create the catalog.

    The Catalog is now available in the Catalog store under the select the selected category.

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