Import Catalog
In addition to creating the catalog manually, we can also import the catalogs through Bulk import in Luma Knowledge. Follow the steps to create the catalog through Bulk Import.
Click on Create Catalog under Catalog Management on the left panel.
Click on Catalog Import.
Each column name in the spreadsheet represents the catalog fields, and each row in the spreadsheet is created as a Service catalog in the system. Note: The spreadsheet must follow the format based on the selected template. Below catalog fields are part of the Default OOTB template for importing the catalogs through a spreadsheet.
Catalog name: This is the display name of the catalog that the end-user sees in search results.
Description: Short description of the catalog.
Category Hierarchy: Categories are used to classify the catalogs. For example, you may add ‘Wifi Access Request Catalog’ to Technical Service-->Network Devices-->Wifi.
Traverse through the category hierarchy and Select the required category. You can add multiple categories to your catalog.Keywords: Keywords are the metadata or tags that are used by Luma Knowledge to identify catalogs. Add as many unique keywords as required.
Note: Be mindful of the keywords added to the catalogs. Random and repetitive keywords would return multiple catalogs in search results. Add specific and meaningful keywords for better searches.FormUrl: Add the service catalog url of your ITSM system. The url is used to redirect the user to the service catalog form.
Short Solution: You may add a Short solution to the catalog. The information can be displayed to the user before the catalog is used. This is optional.
Knowledge Article: You can also link an external or internal Knowledge Article to the catalog. Provide the URL to the Knowledge Article or web page. This is optional.
Image Name: You can input the name of the image. This is optional.
Image Content: Enter the base 64 content of the image. This is optional.
Image URL: Enter the public URL of the image. This is optional.
Note: For uploading the image from the Local system, you need to enter the Base 64 content of the image and image name, or else you can enter the public URL of the image.Reconciliation Key: You may enter the reconciliation manually, or if left blank, the system will create a new unique reconciliation key. Every catalog should have a unique reconciliation key. This is optional.
Once the spreadsheet is prepared, refer to point no 2 and click on choose file and select the spreadsheet which is prepared.
Select the Template to Map and select Catalog OOTB Template and click on Import Catalog and then click on Check Progress, and you should see the status as Completed.