Catalog Graph

Catalog Graph

The Catalog graph is the visual representation of the categories and catalog entities available in Luma Knowledge. The graph shows the directional relationship between these entities. Navigate to the Catalog Graph tab to view the Category hierarchy and the catalogs available in your system.

The Catalog graph can be used to perform the following action:

Browse Category Hierarchy

As a Curator, you can browse through the Catalog Graph to view the Categories and Catalogs available in your tenant. To do so:

  1. Select the Parent Node.

  2. Click on the Expand/Collapse Node button. You may also double-click on the node to expand the node.

  3. The Catalog graph is refreshed to display additional nodes at the next level. You can continue expanding other categories in the graph to view related child categories and catalogs underneath.

  4. At each node, you can view the count of child categories and catalogs in the hierarchy.

Search on a Node

You may search for a Category, Catalog, or subject in the Knowledge graph using a Phrase.

To perform a search, follow the below steps:

  • Select Search Criteria. You may search for a Category or a Catalog

  • Add a term or phrase. This is not a mandatory criteria

  • Once required filters are added, press Enter.

The knowledge graph is refreshed to represent the hierarchy of the searched node.

Add a New Category

The out-of-the-box Root is configured when the Luma Knowledge tenant is provisioned. To add new categories to the list, follow the below steps:

  • Select the Root Node

  • Click on the Create Category button.

  • On the New Category window, add a new Category Name and Description.

  • Click on Create.

    The new category is added to the graph.

Note: You can add multiple categories under a category. As shown above, under the IT category, we have added the Devices and Cloud category. Similarly, you can find the catalogs added to the categories as shown below.

Once the catalog is related to the category, the graph will be refreshed to indicate the new relationship in the detailed view of the catalog.

Edit a Category

As a curator, you can manage and update Category node details in the Knowledge Graph. To do so, follow the below steps:

  • Select the required Category in the graph.

  • Click on the Edit Category option.

  • On the Edit Category pop-up, you can update the Category Name and Description as required.

  • Click Save.

View a Catalog

All Catalogs in Catalog Graph are represented in black. You can preview Catalog details from the graph. Follow the below steps to view a Catalog:

  • Navigate through the graph and select the required Catalog

  • Click on View Detail or double-click on the Catalog to view details.

  • A preview window appears on the screen with Catalog details. The screen provides a quick view of Catalog Name, Content, Metadata, and Catalog Image. The information is read-only.

  • Click on the Artifact ID to view the Catalog details. You will be redirected to the Knowledge Store → Catalog details page.

Delete a Relationship

To delete a relationship link between a Category and a Catalog, follow the below steps:

  • Navigate through the graph and locate the required Catalog.

  • Select the relationship link.

  • A delete button appears next to the related link. Click on the delete button.

The relationship link will be removed, and the graph will be refreshed to represent the updated hierarchy.

A relationship link cannot be removed unless the Catalog is linked to another Category in the graph. This ensures that the Catalog is not left an orphan.

Delete a Catalog

  • On the Catalog graph, select the required catalog.

  • Click on the Delete Node button.

  • On the delete confirmation, select Delete.

  • The selected catalog will be permanently deleted from the database.

When an catalog is deleted, it gets deleted from all the related categories.

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