Problem Statement: The virtual agent would need to understand the user request/phrase and fetch the values/data required to process the request automatically from user request without asking for the information that was already given..
Opportunity: Make the Virtual Agent more intelligent enough to understand the Phrases and identify the possible values for the next prompts by extracting the values. The Bot must extract and assign the values to the prompts on its own and skip the prompts in case the values are already fetched.
Approach: The Skill definition will now have an option to associate attributes to the User Phrases to define where the Bot can expect values for the prompts. The Virtual Agent will train itself to identify any value which is entered in the Phrase by the User and associate it with the Global Attribute. Next time when the User enters any value, it will be identified as value for the prompt and the prompt will be skipped automatically.
Let's understand how to build a Luma Virtual Agent Builder skill that resets the AD User Password.
The following are the steps to configure the skill:
Define Attribute
Create an attribute username to get the username who would like to book the Travel ticket
On Skill Builder--> Attribute tab, click on Create Attribute.
Add attribute details such as Name and Data type.
Set the prompt message to be displayed to the end-user, like “Enter your name. “
Click Save.
Follow the above steps and create the below attributes:
From City
Phone NUmber
Date of Travel
Create an Integration
Click Save to finish building the skill.
The next step is to add permission to the skill. Click on Permission and the Users or Groups who should be able to execute the Skill.
Run Build and Publish to make the skill available in the Virtual Agent.
Once the skill is Published, Go to the Test Widget to test the skill. Click on Debug Logs and execute the skill to view the runtime Skill execution logs.
Your skill is now ready to use. Go to Conversation History to view the list of conversations where the end-user requested the skill.
Additional Resources
Visit the below Wiki Documentation for more information on:
Creating an Attribute on Create Global Attributes
Configure a 3rd party Web service integration on REST Integrations
Creating and Managing Skills is at Create Skills
Using local attribute in skills on Use Variables in Skills
Publishing Skill on Build and Publish
Understanding Conversation logs on Conversation History.
Using Transformation Functions: Random is at Transformation Function Random
Provide permissions to users or groups at Permission
Defining Rulesets on Using Rule Sets
Test your Skill on Test your Bot
Debugging skill on Debug Skills