Out of the box Dashboards / Reports

Out of the box Dashboards / Reports

Out of the box system provides dashboards and charts that indicate the overall usablility and performance of the bot.

Luma Dashboard- provides the usability metrices of the bot. following are the metrices available:

Luma DashBoards:

Conversation Analytics:

  • Bot vs user initiator-Indicates the count of conversations initiated by bot and the users for a specific period.

  • Channel usage- This report details the channel usage analytics of total conversations from different channels for a specific period.

  • Top 5 skills used: Returns the count of skills executed for a specific period.

  • No of conversations: Returns the number of conversations per day for a specific period.

  • Conversation Analytics: This metric returns the count of skills executed initiated by a user or a bot along with channel for a specific period.


User License

  • User License consumption: This shows the license consumed and available licenses with Total number of Licenses purchased along with the License Type for specific time interval.


Bot Health

  • Message Responses: This chart depicts the message responses from Bot for a specific period

  • Message Responses per channel: This chart depicts the message responses per Channel from the Bot for a specific period.


KPI Dashboard

  • Total Cost Saved: This is calculated based on Average Support Agent cost per hour. The Total Cost Saved value is calculated adding up cost saved for Actionable Support Requests, Automated resolutions, Follow ups. Deflected Support requests

  • Total Time Saved: This is the Cumulative sum of the total Time saved for Actionable Support Requests, Automated Resolutions, Deflected Support Requests, Follow-ups for the selected date range.


Usage Dashboard

User Adoption:

  • New Users: This shows the new users registered in the specific period

  • Engaged Users: This shows Engaged users (users with conversations in the specific period)

  • Engaged Users vs New Users: Shows Engaged Users vs New Users for a specific period

    Average Conversation Duration

This details the Average conversation duration for a specific period


Business Domains

  • Top 10 Domains: This chart depicts the TOP 10 domains from the total conversations for the specific period.

  • Domain Analysis: This chart depicts the total conversations in specific domains for the specific period.


Luma Reports:

  • License Report: This report shows the License consumed and available licenses during a specific timeline.

  • Messages Report: The report details the messages which are part of the conversation.

  • User Adoption Report: This report will show the New users registered for a specific period.

  • Conversations Report: This report shows the count of Bot initiated and User initiated conversations for a specific period.

  • Survey Report: This report details the number of surveys responded for a specific channel.

  • Skill Adoption report: Details the count of skills executed for a specific period.

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