Change Request Controller

Change Request Controller

In this article you will learn how to retrieve and create Change Request tickets using the REST API.

GET Method- Retrieve Change Request Information

To retrieve existing change requests, specify the following information in Swagger:

  1. Click GET or Expand Operations to retrieve information.
  2. Specify the following details in the Parameters section.:
      - ISM application URL
      - User authtoken
      - Slice token
      - Web service user name and password. You can specify any text in these fields as it is not validated. For example test or xyz.
  3. Click Try it out to view the response.

POST Method- Create Change Request

To create a new change request, perform the following:

  1. Click POST to create information.
  2. Specify the following details in the Parameters section.:
      - ISM application URL
      - User authtoken
      - Slice token
      - Web service user name and password
  3. Click the Example Value text box. The operations displayed in the text box will be copied to the ChangeRequest text box.
  4. Click Try it out to view the response.
    The following information is displayed in the Example Value box.

Code Block- Change Request Value

"ActionId": "string",
"ActualCost": "string",
"ActualEndDate": "string",
"ActualStartDate": "string",
"ActualTotalTime": "string",
"AffectedCIs": "string",
"AffectedService": "string",
"AffectedServiceID": "string",
"ApprovalList": "string",
"AssignedCaseID": "string",
"AssignedContactID": "string",
"AssignedContactUserName": "string",
"AssignedGroup": "string",
"AssignedGroupID": "string",
"AssignedID": "string",
"AssignedIndividual": "string",
"AssignedIndividualExternalUserID": "string",
"AssignedIndividualID": "string",
"AssignedTo": "string",
"AutomatedFullfillmentDetailFields": "string",
"AutomationWFExecuteMode": "string",
"BackoutPlan": "string",
"BusinessCase": "string",
"BusinessCriticality": "string",
"BusinessCriticalityCode": "string",
"COType": "string",
"COTypeCode": "string",
"CasaWorkflowExecuteOnActionId": "string",
"CasaWorkflowInitiated": "string",
"Categorization": "string",
"CategorizationCategory": "string",
"CategorizationClass": "string",
"CategorizationID": "string",
"CategorizationItem": "string",
"CategorizationItems": "string",
"CategorizationType": "string",
"ChangeImpacted": "string",
"ChargeCategory": "string",
"ClientViewable": "string",
"ClosedDateTimestamp": "string",
"ClosedGroupID": "string",
"ClosedGroupName": "string",
"ClosedUserName": "string",
"CreationById": "string",
"CreationGroupID": "string",
"CreationGroupName": "string",
"CreationTimestamp": "string",
"CreationUserName": "string",
"CustomAttributes": {},
"CustomFields": "string",
"CustomSearch": "string",
"Description": "string",
"DescriptionLong": "string",
"Environment": "string",
"EstimatedEndDate": "string",
"EstimatedStartDate": "string",
"EstimatedTotalTime": "string",
"ExternalID": "string",
"FulfillmentData": "string",
"GUID": "string",
"GlobalRelationshipType": "string",
"HasAttachments": "string",
"Impact": "string",
"ImpactCode": "string",
"ImplementationPlan": "string",
"IsArchived": "string",
"IsChargeable": "string",
"IsReadOnly": "string",
"IsSaveNExit": "string",
"LastModGroupID": "string",
"LastModGroupName": "string",
"LastModTimestamp": "string",
"LastModUserName": "string",
"LastWorklog": "string",
"LastWorklogDate": "string",
"LockedByExternalUserId": "string",
"LockedByUsername": "string",
"MdrElementID": "string",
"MetricKeysThrottled": "string",
"NonTranslatedParentTypeName": "string",
"NonTranslatedTicketStatus": "string",
"OrgStatus": "string",
"OutageTotalTime": "string",
"OutageType": "string",
"OverrideAutoRouting": "string",
"Phase": "string",
"Priority": "string",
"PriorityCode": "string",
"ProcessFlowID": "string",
"ProcessFlowIDStatus": "string",
"ProcessGUIFlowID": "string",
"ReadOnlyMsg": "string",
"ReasonCode": "string",
"RecentActivity": "string",
"RelatedCI": "string",
"RelatedCICount": 0,
"RequestCatalogAttachmentId": "string",
"RequestCatalogDescription": "string",
"RequestCatalogId": "string",
"RequestCatalogName": "string",
"RequestCatalogWorkflowId": "string",
"RequestedForAltEmail": "string",
"RequestedForAltPhone": "string",
"RequestedForExternalUserID": "string",
"RequestedForID": "string",
"RequestedForOrgHierarchicalPath": "string",
"RequestedForOrgLevel": "string",
"RequestedForOrgName": "string",
"RequestedForRootOrgId": "string",
"RequestedForRootOrgName": "string",
"RequestedForUserID": "string",
"RequestedForUserName": "string",
"RequestedForVIPFlag": "string",
"RequestedOrgID": "string",
"RequesterAltEmail": "string",
"RequesterAltPhone": "string",
"RequesterExternalUserID": "string",
"RequesterID": "string",
"RequesterOrgHierarchicalPath": "string",
"RequesterOrgID": "string",
"RequesterOrgLevel": "string",
"RequesterOrgName": "string",
"RequesterRootOrgId": "string",
"RequesterRootOrgName": "string",
"RequesterUserID": "string",
"RequesterUserName": "string",
"RequesterUserNameWithVIPFlag": "string",
"RequesterVIPFlag": "string",
"RequiresCabApproval": "string",
"ResolvedDateTimestamp": "string",
"ResolvedGroupID": "string",
"ResolvedGroupName": "string",
"ResolvedUserName": "string",
"RiskAssesment": "string",
"SLAComplianceStatus": "string",
"SLADueTargetName": "string",
"SLADueTimestamp": "string",
"SLAHolidayID": "string",
"SLAResolveByTimestamp": "string",
"SLAStartDate": "string",
"SLATimezoneID": "string",
"SendWorklogEmail": "string",
"Source": "string",
"SourceCode": "string",
"SupportEmailAddress": "string",
"TenantId": "string",
"TicketAging": "string",
"TicketAgingRange": "string",
"TicketIdentifier": "string",
"TicketImagePath": "string",
"TicketStatus": "string",
"TicketTypeId": "string",
"TotalTimeSpent": "string",
"TranslatedSLAComplianceStatus": "string",
"TranslatedTypeName": "string",
"TwoRequests": "string",
"TypeName": "string",
"Urgency": "string",
"UrgencyCode": "string",
"VIPFlag": "string",
"WallTicketType": "string",
"WorkActualDate": "string",
"WorkDescription": "string",
"WorkTimeSpent": "string",
"WorkType": "string",
"WorkTypeCode": "string",
"WorklogActualDate": "string"

GET Change Request/{id}

You can use this method to retrieve a specific change request details by specifying the ID. Specify the following details.:

  1. Click GET to retrieve a specific change request information.
  2. Specify the following details in the Parameters section.:
      - ISM application URL
      - User authtoken
      - Slice token
      - Web service user name and password
      - Specify the change request ID for which you want to retrieve information.
  3. Click Try it out to view the response.

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