How to create Guided Conversation

How to create Guided Conversation

Guided Conversation is a series of questions or topics presented to the end-user, to gather additional information required to guide the end-user to the best matching Artifact. When Luma Knowledge identifies multiple Artifacts that are related to different topics as Best Response for a user request, a dynamic ‘Guided Conversation’ is generated to help the end-user find relevant information. The end-user is intelligently guided to the most relevant information, instead of browsing through the list of all match artifacts. For more information, refer to Knowledge Search.

Guided Conversation is generated based on the identified Artifact’s topic hierarchy and configurations set for your tenant. You can update the configurations and artifact’s position in Knowledge Graph to create guided navigation for end-users while searching.

Topic Hierarchy:

An Artifact’s Topic Hierarchy represents its relationship with Domain and Topics in Knowledge Graph. Topics are used to classify the Knowledge available in the system. Well-classified Artifact in Knowledge Graph indicates that it appears in the relevant searches. As a Curator, you must create an elaborate Topic-to-Topic tree structure and link the artifacts to appropriate Topics. This Topic Hierarchy in Knowledge Graph is also used to generate the Guided Search. When Luma Knowledge identifies multiple matching artifacts under different Domains or Topics, the Topics are used as questions to guide the user to the most relevant artifact. The deeper is the Topic Hierarchy, the more specific are the search results.

If the Artifacts are not classified and are linked in a ‘flat’ hierarchy, Luma Knowledge returns a list of all matching artifacts. End-user must browse through the list to find the required Artifact.

Here is an example of Hierarchy that can be created in Knowledge Graph:

For more information on creating hierarchy and updating Artifact-Topic Hierarchy, refer to Knowledge Graph

Tenant Configurations

Search configuration parameters determine how search results are displayed for a user query. An Administrators can set up the number of Artifacts to be display as results, Levels of questions, or decision levels in a guided search, count of Artifacts that can be displayed under a Topic, and more.

To enable Luma Knowledge to generate Guided Conversation, you can review and update the following configurations:

  1. Navigate to Tenant → Configurations and Click on Search configurations.

  2. Update the following configurations as required:

    1. Maximum decision levels: This represents the maximum number of questions Luma Knowledge should ask in Guided Conversation before presenting the relevant artifacts. The default value is 3.

    2. Maximum Topics per Decision Level: This is the maximum number of Topic options that can be presented to the user at each level. The default value is 1.

    3. Maximum Artifacts per Topic: This represents the Maximum number of Artifacts that should be displayed under a Topic. The default value is 1.

  3. Update the value as required and click Save.

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