Out-of-the-box Service Configurations

Out-of-the-box Service Configurations

Serviceaide Automation (ESA) provides various out-of-the-box Service Configurations that are used to establish a connection with third-party applications. When a workflow executes a discrete operation on a configured Mule App, ESA uses the connection information defined in the Service Configurations such as server IP address, admin credentials, Secret keys, etc to connect to the App. 

For example, To Enable a user in AD, the service requires AD Server connection details, username, and password to connect to AD Server. These inputs are not provided by the end-user while executing the service and are set by the Administrator for the tenant.

Following are the out-of-the-box Service configurations available in ESA:

No.ServiceDescriptionDetailsService Configurations
1Azure-InfraAzure-Infra ConfigurationThe service is used to execute task in Azure infrastructure such as Create VM, Start VM, Stop VM. config.azure-infra.accountnameRefers to your Azure account name
config.azure-infra.accountpasswordAdd Azure account password
2ISMISM ConfigurationThe service is used to connect to your Intelligent Management System (ISM) environment.config.ism.slice-tokenRefers to the ISM slice-token you want to connect to.
config.ism.urlThis is the URL to the ISM environment you want to connect to.
config.ism.user-auth-tokenRefers to the user authentication token required to connect to your ISM environment.
config.ism.webservice-user-passwordISM web service password
config.ism.webservice-usernameISM web service username
config.ism.sliceRefers to the ISM slice you want to connect to
3LDAPLDAP ConfigurationThe service is used to execute tasks in your LDAP. You can manage users and execute tasks in the Active Directory using the configuration. For example, Create User, Reset password, Delete user, etc. config.ldap.urlRefers to your LDAP URL 
config.ldap.passwordRefers to the LDAP password 
config.ldap.principal.dnRefers to the LDAP Distinguished Name required to connect to your LDAP.
4LUMA1xLUMA1x ConfigurationThe service is used to connect to your Luma 1.x environment.config.luma1x.urlThis is the URL to the Luma 1.x environment you want to connect to.
config.luma1x.luma.api.access.keyRefers to the API access key created in Luma to allow a third party system to connect to your tenant.
5LUMA2xLUMA2x ConfigurationThe service is used to connect to your Luma Virtual Agent environmentconfig.luma2x.urlThis is the URL to the Luma VSA environment you want to connect to.
config.luma2x.luma.tenant.externalidRefers to your Luma VSA Tenant External ID
config.luma2x.luma.api.access.keyRefers to the API access key created in Luma VSA to allow a third party system to connect to your tenant.
6PowershellPowershell ConfigurationThe service configuration allows you to connect and execute Powershell Script.config.powershell.passwordRefers to the machine or environment password where you can execute PowerShell or winrm service is running.
config.powershell.domainRefers to the machine or environment windows domain name where you can execute PowerShell or winrm service is running.
config.powershell.usernameRefers to the machine or environment username where you can execute PowerShell or winrm service is running.
config.powershell.addressRefers to the machine or environment address where you can execute PowerShell or winrm service is running.
config.powershell.useHttpsRefers if the system should use HTTPS to execute the script or command
7TwilioTwilio ConfigurationTwilio Configuration allows you to send messages through Twilio API.config.twilio.sms.fromRefers to the Twilio phone number to be used to send the message. This must be a Twilio phone number that you own, formatted with a '+' and country code, e.g.+16175551212(E.164format).
config.twilio.sms.account.sidRepresents the Messaging Service SID to be used to send the SMS. When you use a Messaging Service SID, Twilio will automatically send your message using one of the phone numbers in your service pool.
config.twilio.sms.auth.tokenThis is the authentication token required to connect to the Twilio API to send SMS.
8AWSAWS ConfigurationThe service is used to execute task in AWS such as Create instance, Start instance, Stop instance config.aws.secretkeyRefers to the secret key required to allow a third-party system to execute task in AWS
config.aws.accesskeyRefers to the access key required to allow a third-party system to connect to your AWS account.
9SSHSSH Configuration

The service configuration is used to establish a connection with the SSH Host and execute scripts

config.ssh.hostnameRefer to the SSH Host
config.ssh.usernameRefers to the machine or environment username which is your SSH Host
config.ssh.passwordRefers to the machine or environment login password which is your SSH Host

Service Configurations are currently available out of the box. Tenant administrators add the connection and authentication details for the available services. To add a new Service Configuration to the list, contact the Serviceaide Support team.

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