Out-of-the-box Automation Service Configurations and Workflows

Out-of-the-box Automation Service Configurations and Workflows

Service Configurations

Luma Virtual Agent provides out-of-the-box Automation Services that can be used in skill to execute tasks. These services require system inputs or information such as server IP address, admin credentials, Secret keys, etc, to establish a connection and perform a task.

For example, To Enable a user in AD, the service requires AD Server connection details, username, and password to connect to AD Server. These inputs are not provided by the end-user while executing the service and set by the Administrator for the tenant.

Following are the Services available in Luma Virtual Agent:

No.ServiceDescriptionDetailsService Configurations
1Azure-InfraAzure-Infra ConfigurationThe service is used to execute task in Azure infrastructure such as Create VM, Start VM, Stop VM. config.azure-infra.accountnameRefers to your Azure account name
config.azure-infra.accountpasswordAdd Azure account password
2ISMISM ConfigurationThe service is used to connect to your Intelligent Management System (ISM) environment.config.ism.slice-tokenRefers to the ISM slice-token you want to connect to.
config.ism.urlThis is the URL to the ISM environment you want to connect to.
config.ism.user-auth-tokenRefers to the user authentication token required to connect to your ISM environment.
config.ism.webservice-user-passwordISM web service password
config.ism.webservice-usernameISM web service username
3LDAPLDAP ConfigurationThe service is used to execute task in your LDAP. You can manage users and execute tasks in the Active directory using the configuration. For example, Create User, Reset password, Delete user, etc. config.ldap.urlRefers to your LDAP URL 
config.ldap.passwordRefers to the LDAP password 
config.ldap.principal.dnRefers to the LDAP Distinguished Name required to connect to your LDAP.
4LUMA1xLUMA1x ConfigurationThe service is used to connect to your Luma 1.x environment.config.luma1x.urlThis is the URL to the Luma 1.x environment you want to connect to.
config.luma1x.luma.api.access.keyRefers to the API access key created in Luma to allow a third party system to connect to your tenant.
5LUMA2xLUMA2x ConfigurationThe service is used to connect to your Luma Virtual Agent environmentconfig.luma2x.urlThis is the URL to the Luma VSA environment you want to connect to.
config.luma2x.luma.tenant.externalidRefers to your Luma VSA Tenant External ID
config.luma2x.luma.api.access.keyRefers to the API access key created in Luma VSA to allow a third party system to connect to your tenant.
6PowershellPowershell ConfigurationThe service configuration allows you to connect and execute Powershell Script.config.powershell.passwordRefers to the machine or environment password where you can execute PowerShell or winrm service is running.
config.powershell.domainRefers to the machine or environment windows domain name where you can execute PowerShell or winrm service is running.
config.powershell.usernameRefers to the machine or environment username where you can execute PowerShell or winrm service is running.
config.powershell.addressRefers to the machine or environment address where you can execute PowerShell or winrm service is running.
7TwilioTwilio ConfigurationTwilio Configuration allows you to send messages through Twilio API.config.twilio.sms.fromRefers to the Twilio phone number to be used to send the message. This must be a Twilio phone number that you own, formatted with a '+' and country code, e.g.+16175551212(E.164format).
config.twilio.sms.account.sidRepresents the Messaging Service SID to be used to send the SMS. When you use a Messaging Service SID, Twilio will automatically send your message using one of the phone numbers in your service pool.
config.twilio.sms.auth.tokenThis is the authentication token required to connect to the Twilio API to send SMS.

Out-of-the-box Workflow Services and Input Parameters

For the above Service Configurations, Luma Virtual Agent supports the following are the out-of-the-box Service workflows available in Luma Virtual Agent. You can add the Workflow Services and input parameters to your Skill as Conversation Item and execute the automation task. 

Input Parameters are the inputs required by the workflow and provided by the user who is executing the service (generally changes with every execution) for example, username in Enable AD user workflow.

No.Workflow ServiceService Configurations RequiredDescriptionInput ParametersExample
1Azure createVMAzure-Infra, PowershellCreates a new VM with the given details.UsernameAzure Username for the VM (Administrator account for the VM)
PasswordAzure Password for the VM
NameVM Name
Resource Group NameResource Group Name
LocationAzure Region
Virtual Network NameVirtual Network where VM should be created
Subnet NameThe Subnet where VM should be created
Security Group NameNetwork Security Group Name 
Public IP Address NameThe Public IP address that allows the VM to be accessible over the internet.
Context NameTemporary context name used during the creation of VM.
Update Message On SuccessMessage to be displayed on successful VM creation.
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
2Azure stopVMAzure-Infra, PowershellStops VMware instance in Data centerNameVM Name
Resource Group NameResource Group Name
Update Message On SuccessMessage to be displayed on stopping the VM.
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
3Azure removeVMAzure-Infra, PowershellDeletes VM instance from Data centerNameVM Name
Resource Group NameResource Group Name
Update Message On SuccessMessage to be displayed on removing the VM.
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
4Azure startVMAzure-Infra, PowershellStarts VMware instance in Data centerNameVM Name
Resource Group NameResource Group Name
Update Message On SuccessMessage to be displayed on starting the VM.
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
5Azure execute Powershell ScriptAzure-Infra, PowershellExecutes the Powershell script in the fileUpdate Message On SuccessMessage to be displayed on the successful execution of Powershell script.
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
File PathPowerShell script file absolute path.

Note: To use the operation, the PowerShell script must be available on the PowerShell machine.
File Params

Parameters required to execute the shell script.

6Ldap Delete UserPowershellDeletes the AD user from LDAPUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on deleting the user 
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
SAM Account NameUser SAM Account Name(logon name)
7Ldap Delete GroupPowershellDeletes the Group from LDAPUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on deleting the group
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
Group SAM Account NameGroup SAM Account Name
8Ldap Rename UserLDAPRename the AD user in LDAPUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on renaming the user
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
New Distinguished NameNew user name
Current Distinguished NameOld user name

Ldap Search UserPowershellSearch for the user in LDAPUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on success
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
FilterFilter criteria for the search
10Ldap Exists UserPowershellFind if the user already exists in LDAPUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on success
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
SAM Account NameUser SAM Account Name(logon name)
11Ldap Single Value ModifyLDAPModify the Attribute in LDAPUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on success
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
Distinguished NameLDAP Distinguished Name (DN) 
Attribute NameAttribute Name to be updated
Attribute ValueAttribute Value
12Ldap Change PasswordPowershellResets AD user password for a given login namePasswordNew Password
Update Message On successMessage to be displayed on successful password change
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
SAM Account NameUser SAM Account Name(logon name)
SMS TOPhone number to which the Self Service Password Reset service sends SMS.
SMS BodySpecify the SMS message to be sent when changing the password
13Ldap enable UserPowershellEnables the AD userUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on enabling the user
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
SAM Account NameLDAP SAM Account Name
14Ldap disable UserPowershellDisables the AD userUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on disabling the user
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
SAM Account NameUser SAM Account Name(logon name)

Ldap change password at logon 

PowershellResets AD user password for a given login name at logonPasswordNew Password
Update Message On successMessage to be displayed on successful password change
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
SAM Account NameUser SAM Account Name(logon name)
SMS TOPhone number to which the Self Service Password Reset service sends SMS.
SMS BodySpecify the SMS message to be sent when changing the password
16Ldap create UserPowershellCreates new user in Active DirectoryPasswordPassword for the new user account
Update Message On successMessage to be displayed on successful creation of user in LDAP
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
First NameUser's firstname
Last NameUser's last name
Login NameUser's login name
User Principal Namea logon name that takes the form of an e-mail address
Employee idUser's Employee id
PathQualified path of LDAP
17Ldap Unlock User PowershellUnlocks Active Directory (AD) userUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on success
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
SAM Account NameUser SAM Account Name(logon name)
18Ldap create GroupPowershellCreates New Group in Active directory for that AD domainUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on success
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
SAM Account NameLDAP SAM Account Name for Group
PathQualified path of LDAP
Group NameNew Group name
Group CategoryGroup Category
Group ScopeGroup scope
DescriptionGroup Description
19Ldap add User To GroupPowershellAdds a user to a groupUpdate Message On successMessage to be displayed on success
Update Message On FailureMessage to be displayed if an error occurred.
Group SAM Account NameLDAP Group SAM Account Name 
User SAM Account NameLDAP User SAM Account Name (logon name)

In addition to the required Service configurations, Luma 2.x Service configuration must be configured to use the Workflow Services in a skill.

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