Automation FAQs

Automation FAQs


  • Where do I find a list of all the OOTB Services that are available?

    View the list of all OOTB Operations, navigate to Automation → Service Configurations. Click on the required Service to edit the Service Configurations The list is also documented here.

  • How do I find out which Service Configurations are required for a specific Service?

    The list of workflows and their corresponding Inputs, as well as Service Configurations, are documented on Out-of-the-box Automation Operations and Workflows.

  • How do I find out which step in the Automation Workflow is failing?

    If the automation is being executed through a skill, you can view the Automation Workflow details in Troubleshoot logs. Navigate to Troubleshoot and Locate the Automation workflow in the logs to view 

  • When relating a Workflow Service as part of a skill, where can I see the Input Parameters listed?

          When you are adding an Automation Workflow into a skill, you can see your custom workflow in the list of Workflow Services. Based on the selected workflow service, you need to specify the mandatory input parameters as shown below.

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