Technical Support

Technical Support

Online Support

Existing customers can contact Serviceaide support by logging into the support portal at https://support.serviceaide.com. If you have not previously logged into this system an existing contact from your organization can log in and request an account for you or you can chat with the Serviceaide support team from the login page.

Phone Support

Existing customers can reach the Serviceaide support team at the following country-specific phone numbers. The support phone line is monitored 24x7 for Priority 1 issues, system outages, and business-critical disruptions.

CountryPhone Number


+1 650 376 0844


+55 113 197 4746

United Kingdom

+44 203 318 1552


+52 552 789 5477


+57 150 87077


+51 170 70445


+56 232 101221


+1 647 694 2427 

India and the rest of the countries+91 40 6817 9998

Support Response Time Service Level Objective 

Serviceaide will use reasonable efforts to meet the Service Level Objectives stated in the table below and will provide continuous efforts to resolve Priority 1 service Incidents. For Priority 1 Incidents, Serviceaide will work 24x7 until the Incident can be downgraded to a lower priority. For Priority 1 Incidents, your Support Contact(s) must be available at all times via telephone and online to provide Serviceaide with relevant and requested information, data gathering and testing necessary to resolve the Incident. Priority 2-4 calls can be logged with Serviceaide on a 24 hours per day, 7 days per week basis and will be responded to during published business hours as per the Service Level Objectives table below.

Incident Priority


Initial Response Time




1 hour*

System Down/Service Unavailable condition severely impacting Production environment involving:

  • Service outage or failure severely impacting Customer’s business operations.
  • Widespread unavailability of business-critical features/functions of the Service causing major disruption of the Customer’s ongoing business operations.
  • There is serious performance degradation that significantly impacts a large group of Customer’s end users.
  • Unscheduled Service downtime resulting from an emergency change request which needs to be applied to the system.
  • An issue for which there is no immediate workaround available.



2 business hours

A high impact business condition where:

  • Service is available but its functionality is significantly restricted thereby causing disruption to Customer’s normal business operations.
  • The Service’s Available Functionality is not working, thereby negatively impacting Customer’s business productivity.
  • There is no workaround available for the issue.



4 business hours

Service is available and Available Functionality is generally usable, however, Service has an issue causing minor operational challenge(s). Issues may be isolated to specific end-users and may have little impact on the availability/functionality of the Service.



8 business hours

A minor defect that has no impact on the Service, or a general inquiry on the functionality of the Service including how-to/informational queries.

Support business hours are 24 hours a day Monday through Friday

* Priority 1 Incidents must be raised by telephone.

Support Scope

 This section of support processes describes the support scope of Serviceaide support: 

When to Contact Serviceaide support?

The following processes describe the types of issues and requests you can expect Serviceaide Support to help you resolve, and types of issues that you will need to resolve with other Serviceaide groups or other vendors. 

Contact Customer Care in the following situations: 

  • You have a problem with the operation of Serviceaide products in a Production or Staging environment.
  • You have a problem with licenses that requires immediate attention in order to ensure that a production environment remains operational.
  • You have post-sale technical questions about the operation of supported Serviceaide products.
  • You have product change or enhancement requests.
  • You have problems logging into Support Portal or accessing Support portal functionality. 

Serviceaide Support cannot help you with the types of issues described below; Instead, the issue should be raised with their account Manager /contact 

  • Planning new/major configuration changes into Serviceaide implementations that need to be implemented into your existing or new environment
  • Increase/modify your license count
  • Any integration with other Serviceaide and/or third-party products
  • Any account management questions or changes regarding your Serviceaide account
  • Any training or Professional service needs
  • Migration of existing solution to Serviceaide product or vice versa 

 On-Premise Implementation- Support Scope 

In case of On-Premise customer, in addition to situations mentioned under Support Scope section above, following situations and issues need to be owned and managed by customers themselves and/or with assistance from other Serviceaide groups or other vendors: 

  • Upkeep of the Infrastructure that includes Hardware, Operating Systems, and third-party software as per Serviceaide Product requirements and recommendations.
  • All infrastructure level issues that include but not limited to availability, scalability, security, accessibility and Third-party licenses and certificates.
  • Upgrades of Serviceaide products upgrades and patches within 30 days’ time from the time of General availability of the release.

On-Premise Implementation- Best Practices 

  • Serviceaide recommends our On-Premise customer to consider having a test environment available, in order to try new changes or to simulate Production issues
  • Serviceaide also recommends a periodical backup of data using commercially available tools
  • Consider setting up proactive monitoring of your environment availability
  • Isolate and resolve any infrastructure issue before contacting Serviceaide Support
  • Provide relevant log files, when reporting an issue to Serviceaide support
  • Provide access to Serviceaide support personnel into your Serviceaide Product environment or permit Serviceaide support to arrange a remote diagnostic session using commercially available remote session tools

© 2019 Serviceaide 1-650-206-8988 http://www.serviceaide.com info@serviceaide.com