Tenant Settings
The Tenant Settings allows you to view and manage Tenant level configurations which are applicable to all bots. The Tenant Settings include various sections to manage the Tenant such as Tenant Information, Subscription, Agent Chat Console, Channel Notifications, Follow-ups, and API Access Keys.
The different Tenant level configurations available are as follows :
Tenant Information
This page provides the key values for your Luma instance that are useful in communicating with support and defining inbound integrations. In this section, we also define KPI Settings that are used to calculate metrics for KPI Dashboard.
For further details, please refer to Tenant Information
This section is helpful in viewing subscription details like allocated licenses, consumption and purchase history. An administrator can also update Contact details who receive subscription usage alerts.
For further details, please refer to Subscription
Channel Notifications
On this section the administrator can create and send out notifications like company announcements, outage notifications etc on user's registered channels. Here you can also view notification status i.e. In progress and Completed notification activities through History tab.
For further details, please refer to Channel Notifications
This section helps in creating actionable follow-ups and automating smart notifications from Luma to users, based on conditions such as ticket updates and information about events. An administrator can define conditional data extracts, notification message and trigger frequency on this page.
For further details, please refer to Follow-ups
API Access Keys
This section allows an administrator to create and manage API Access Keys that are used in API calls to perform operations or get the information from Luma Tenant or Bot with proper identification and authorization.
For further details, please refer to API Access Keys
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